WebSite X5Help Center

Tony C.
Tony C.

Installing the Adobe Flash Player plug in  en

Автор: Tony C.
Просмотрено 1055, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

On installation Website X5 is unable to preview video files and URL video links. The reason given is that when previewing Website X5 uses an internal basic Chrome browser lacking the Adobe Flash Player plug in. That was clearly explained. On the other hand the explanation given about fixing the problem was rather confusing.

Why not say the following:

1 Download the Adobe Flash Player plug in .exe (unclick any other unwanted option offered)  

2 The downloaded Adobe Flash Player plug in .exe file is placed in the Download folder

3 Transfer the Adobe Flash Player plug in file into the Website X5 files folder

4 Run the Adobe Flash Player plug in .exe file
