WebSite X5Help Center

Steve D.
Steve D.

Shopping cart problem blocked a framewith origin from accessing a cross origin frame  en

Автор: Steve D.
Просмотрено 2343, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hi, I'm quite new to all of this so i'm leraning a lot.  I uploaded my site with a shopping cart to my provider.  everythung goes ok until you try to add a product to the cart. In IE 11 I get a popup: access denied, in chome i get the message Blocked a frame with origin "my providers URL for site" from accessing a cross origing frame.

Who knows what to do ?

4 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Steve,

This happens when part of your site's JavaScript code attempts to access another domain...

e.g. tries to access via JavaScript

With respect to how this relates to WebSite X5...  check that you have entered your website address (URL) correctly in Step 1 General Settings...  be particular careful to maintain uniformity in all your links throughout a project...  choose either:


and ensure that all project links use the 'www' or 'non-www' version as appropriate.

Also check that there are no rewrite/redirect rules in your .htaccess file on your server, which could cause similar problems...  your webhost will be able to advise.

Lastly, if using SSL be very careful that there are no calls made to unsecured pages or objects...

cannot attempt to access...

Hope this helps...

If you're still struggling then please post a link to your website and we may be able to pinpoint the cause.

Kind regards,


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Размещено От Paul M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

That's your problem, Steve...  you will have to decide on one or the other:


You cannot mix hyperlinks to both.

You should have a word with your webhost on how best to resolve this.  You need to ensure that your project hyperlinks all point consistently to the same domain (at least where JavaScript is concerned)

If you set your WebSite URL in Step 1 to be then the issue should disappear...  you could then do a 301 redirect in .htaccess to point all files to

But have a word with your host...  this is a hosting issue, and not directly related to WebSite X5 as such.

Good luck!


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Размещено От Paul M.
Steve D.
Steve D.

Hi Paul;  Indeed it was a setting on my hosting providers server. Had to change that and now it's working. Thx for the hint and the support. 

Best regards 


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Размещено От Steve D.