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Anne V.
Anne V.

Well done, Website x5!  en

Автор: Anne V.
Просмотрено 2105, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I'm a self-taught, hobbyist webmaster. Over the last twelve years I've created 12-13 websites using two different programs (Cool Page at first, then I switched to Web Page Maker). With Web Page Maker I was having a lot of problems with objects and text being misaligned in visitors' browsers and knew I needed to rebuild my sites with a more robust and sophisticated program.

I came across a review site (sorry, can't remember which one) which recommended Website x5 very highly – and they were right. With no technical knowledge I have so far rebuilt five of my sites and am absolutely delighted with the results.

Getting to grips with Website x5 has certainly been challenging for someone with my background (aged 60, with no tech-wise children or grandchildren to help) but whenever I've got stuck the fast, clear and helpful responses from tech support have been a lifeline.

Thank you – not only has Website x5 solved the misalignment problems, but I'm thoroughly enjoying working with it and learning more every day.

2 Ответы
Paul M.
Paul M.

It's great to hear positive reviews like this, Anne...  thanks very much for taking the time to share your experiences.  

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Размещено От Paul M.
Duncan Baker
Duncan Baker

I agree with you Anne. It does things I didn't know I could do!

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Размещено От Duncan Baker