Can not change header 
Автор: James Becker
Просмотрено 763,
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WSX5 11 Pro
I went to update the "Header" on one of my sites and ran into a snag. The header looks ok in the "Preview" however when I try to modify it I get an error. Ideas??
Hi James
try this, remove the new header, do the ctrl+ preview, save it close the program, open it again and add your header and modify it.
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Good Luck (6 months free Web Host for x5 users, promo code: usx56m) (Templates and support for x5)
Thanks for the reply Anthony. I can not remove the header because everytime I click on General Settings->Template Cusomization I get the error as shown in the image in my original post. More Ideas??
create a full back up of your project, then rename it and import it back again, see if give you the same error again.
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Good Luck (6 months free Web Host for x5 users, promo code: usx56m) (Templates and support for x5)
I did as you suggested Anthony and I still get the same error. :( Ideas???
send your project file to me, let me look into it. send it to infoATusx5DOTcom.
Good Luck (6 months free Web Host for x5 users, promo code: usx56m) (Templates and support for x5)
Thanks Anthony, I've just sent you the project file.
Thanks for your time.
James it shows the same error here, there is 1 more option left to try, and that does not fix the problem, you need to create a new project and copy/paste your objects from one to another (it does not take that much time).
go to C:\Users\James\Documents\Incomedia\WebSite X5 v11 - Professional\Mid-South Mission Center\Preview\images
there are few files over there that has error inside them, open them and look at the path, make sure those images are still there and you did not moved them for example look for
C:\Users\James\Desktop\ms02.png which I beleive should be in your desktop, also other images like fc05.jpg which should be inside C:\Users\James\Documents\Client Sites\Mid-South Mission Center Website x5\images\fc05.jpg
there are more over there check them one by one, if they are all inside their original path, then your project file some how got corrupted, mabe because of the custome code you placed for your head section!
but first check the go to C:\Users\James\Documents\Incomedia\WebSite X5 v11 - Professional\Mid-South Mission Center\Preview\images and look for all images that have error mark in the middle of them and make sure those file are still exist in that path, if not, copy them back to their original path, then open the x5 program again and open your project, see if its going to generate error again.
if this post is the correct answer, please mark this answer as correct answer.
Good Luck (6 months free Web Host for x5 users, promo code: usx56m) (Templates and support for x5)
Thanks for your time Anthony, I took your advice and created a new project via copy/paste as you suggested. Only one little snag left...... the text menu at the bottom of the page just above the footer is gone? I'm being dumb this morning..... how do I get it back??
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Good Luck (6 months free Web Host for x5 users, promo code: usx56m) (Templates and support for x5)