WebSite X5Help Center

Gabriel C.
Gabriel C.

How do I prevent WebsiteX5 from changing the image filenames?  en

Автор: Gabriel C.
Просмотрено 2467, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

How do I prevent "image.jpg" from being renamed to "image_3mkq3f66.jpg"?  This does not always happen so I have not figured out when or why it does this, but I would like to switch it off and revert all my image names to their original names. 

6 Ответы - 2 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Anthony A.
Anthony A.

give uniq name to your file and do not leave space beetween words.

dont just use image, for example white-dog.jpg  or tree.jpg

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Размещено От Anthony A.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Gabriel,

This phenomenon occurs when WebSite X5 attempts to upload a file to a server which already holds a file with the same name.  As two files cannot exist in the same directory with the same name, WebSite X5 appends a suffix to the second filename to differentiate between them.

This behaviour is not limited to image filenames only.  It can happen with any file type.

The reason why this does not always seem to happen is that editing of the project is required before WebSite X5 has any reason to attempt to reupload files which have been uploaded before.

Unfortunately there is no way to 'switch this off'  -  the only thing you can do would be to delete any existing images from the server, then reupload to the server afresh using clean (new) Image Objects with the correct filename of your choice.

Kind regards,


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Размещено От Paul M.
Gabriel C.
Gabriel C.


Thanks for the explanation, however I tried this already.  I logged on to the server directly and wiped the entire directory and then re-uploaded the site completely. 

I will do this again, this time I will delete all the graphics, save the site, go back in and add them all again.  Keeping my fingers crossed and will report back what I find.


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Размещено От Gabriel C.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Bear in mind you need to delete the existing Image Objects and create new ones with the correct filenames.

Having done so I suggest holding down the 'CTRL' key and entering the Preview mode, before finally exporting to the empty directory on the server.

Best wishes...

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Размещено От Paul M.
Gabriel C.
Gabriel C.


Thanks again for the suggestion as it worked.  Here is what I have figured out as this post might help others.

Originally I was using images of 4000x6000 pixels.  Because of the limitation of X5 of images 2048x2048, I had a lot of frustraiting image errors (white box with error message where image should be).  First, I learned that if you close x5 and open and go directly to the affected page and do a ctrl-preview, it would fix this problem.  So I would just repeat this for every affected page.

Because that is a pain, I started reducing my images to 2048x2048 or less.  This made the previews much faster and solved the white error box issue, but does not resolve the limitation issue which I was hoping version 12 would address, but that is a complaint for another day I suppose.

Since I regenerated all my images in the new smaller size and I kept all the same filenames, but put them in a new folder, X5 treated them as if they were new images with duplicated names and added the random characters to my filenames.

This had nothing to do with the files on my server, but had to do with the files in the preview directory of the X5 directory (My Documents\Incomedia\WebSite X5 v12 - Professional\xxx\Preview\gallery). 

To resolve this, I removed the file list in the galleries and closed the project.  I then deleted the gallery directory of the project and then built the galleries again.  It worked perfectly.


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Размещено От Gabriel C.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Great work, Gabe.  Thanks very much for posting this information to the forum.  The level of detail you have provided should prove extremely useful to others searching for answers in the future.  Much obliged to you!

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Размещено От Paul M.