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brad L.
brad L.

Opening a websitex5 compact project in x5 evolution  en

Автор: brad L.
Просмотрено 1881, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

i recently upgraded to evolution, but i cant seem to open a previous project, made in compact

please help

do i have to start the project, all over again in evolution

1 Ответы
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Brad,

To open your Compact 10 project in Evolution 12 you have to first go to Step 5 of Compact 10 and export your project as an IWZIP file.  This can then be imported directly into Evolution 12 in the Project Selection screen.

The following article explains in detail what you must do.  The article references version 11 but the procedure is exactly the same.  Just substitute v10 for v11 as you are reading:

Kind regards,


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