Best free template for selling books, primarily, and some services 
Автор: brad L.
Просмотрено 2139,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
what are the best free templates for selling my 10 books, primarily, medical science, sport science, physiology, education, and also a few services
Hi Brad,
There are so many (free) templates here in WebsiteX5, I think it's kind of personal taste, but a good script to place on your site to sell youre E-books ( download after payement) can be found at:
Easy to use ( even I did it
thanks, jan, very much
sorry to pick at your brain, but why cant i open my earliar compact project into evolution
and or why cant i use templates in compact for evolution
there dont seem to be any good, suitable default templates in template selection (after general selection )
and what should i put in general selection for 'website icon' and 'website image'
and, is paypal code, easy to attach to book covers, later, in my website building
Hi Brad,
Sorry, but I don't have experience with the compact versions. ( The normal way is to export the project from a lighter or earlier version to your disk ( iwzip-file) and import this file in your newer/higher WebsiteX5 version).