For to confirm the right of access Googl 
Автор: Natali F.
Просмотрено 1020,
Подписчики 2,
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Hello. For to confirm the right of access. I need to download the file to site.
This one : google-site-verification: google1c3376c7521b67e0.html. How to do it.? Thanks for the help.
If you speak French would be wonderful
Hello Natali,
you need insert your site
then insert the matatag in the step 4 in Seo and Code.
Hope this help.
***** Google Translation:
vous devezinsérervotre site
puis insérez lematatagdans l'étape4dansSeoetCode.
Espérons que celaaide.
hallo. why I do not find?
Hello Natali,
Riccardo n'a pas du faire attention à la version qui figure sur ton profil, il a du penser V12 ;o))
Sur la V9 Etape 1, Paramètres généraux et onglet "Avancés".
@+, J.P.