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I. Ramshaw
I. Ramshaw

Need help handling 404 for https  en

Автор: I. Ramshaw
Просмотрено 1614, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I have been analysing my site using SEO tools and note an issue with HTTPS version of the site. I am not using https and will not install a certificate so I need to know how to generate a 404 page when someone attempts to navigate to https version of site?

2 Ответы
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello David,

Please see this thread:

Also consider redirecting any https traffic to the http version of your site using the .htaccess file  -  this would in many ways be a better solution.  404 errors are not user friendly and do not reflect well on either your website or your SEO.

For example,

Kind regards,


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Размещено От Paul M.
I. Ramshaw
I. Ramshaw


The SSL was only $100 per year, so I purchased ssl (even though I do not have ecommerce but Google seems to rank sites with ssl higher)

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Размещено От I. Ramshaw