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I. Ramshaw
I. Ramshaw

The picture file is too big  en

Автор: I. Ramshaw
Просмотрено 2394, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

What is the recommended maximum file size for images? I am working on site optimisation in Website X5 Pro and getting a "The Picture file is too big" for all my images.


4 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Branko P.
Branko P.

72 pix

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Размещено От Branko P.
Branko P.
Branko P.

72 pix ... is recomended for web

300 pix is recomended for print

Sorry for my bad english ;)

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Размещено От Branko P.
I. Ramshaw
I. Ramshaw

Oh, it is the DPI that is high resolution rather than number of bytes in file? Maybe the recommendation should be listed next to the error type.

ie. Picture file resolution too high, recommend 72 dpi.

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Размещено От I. Ramshaw