WebSite X5Help Center

Elvir Krslak
Elvir Krslak

Video tutorials  en

Автор: Elvir Krslak
Просмотрено 3382, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

It would be very helpful if the developer team would provide more in depth video tutorials.

Many of us bought this software so that we can make a website quickly with all the features one wants to create.

For a beginner, it's quite a lot of work going through all the different specifics.

In a mass - media age I think you owe it to your users to make video tutorials on how to use different features.

I've had this software for a few months and still haven't figured out a lot. I bought it to avoid paying monthly fees at squarespace or some other provider. But now I'm actually considering not to proceed with your software and going for squarespace or something else.

I can imagine that many of us don't want to sit and read books and books of different answers, forums, etc. Rather, you need to focus on educating us by simple and easy to access video tutorials. You don't provide that at this moment.

18 Ответы - 3 Полезно
Elisa B.

Dear Elvir, 

first of all, thank your for your advice, every suggestion is important to help us improve not only the software, but the service we provide as well. 

I know you asked for a video tutorial, and I assume you already know our Youtube channel, where you can find a general tutorial  , but I would like to link you our useful online guide as well:

Also, you can get support here on the Help Center for every issue you may have, obviously for free. So if you have questions you just need to open a topic and explain it, we will be very happy to help you.

I wish you a lovely day. 

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Размещено От Elisa B.
Myron A.
Myron A.

Hi Larry,

I am in the initial stages of creating a comprehensive suite of tutorials for Website X5. In the past, l've produced tutorials for Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, and Pinnacle Liquid Edition.

I'd like to provide links to my YouTube channel on this forum so everyone could benefit from the lessons. Hopefully, Incomedia will permit me to do this.

Can someone in authority at Incomedia confirm whether it would be OK to post YouTube links to my tutorials on this forum?

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Размещено От Myron A.
Elisa B.

Hello @Larry and thank you for your feedback, it is always very important for us to know what people think not only about the program, but about the service we offer as well.

I understand that, for a new user, it can be difficult to orient him or herself in the beginning. Still, practice makes it perfect, and a part from that, I wish to stress that on the Help Center, which is by now the place dedicated to the technical support, our users can mainly receive the help of the technicians. Together, I am sure we will overcome any obstacle which you  may encounter on your way. It is normal to have some difficulties in the beginning, but we are really willing to help you further.

So, please feel free to write your own posts for any doubts you might have, we are here available for you. Before leaving you, as you have mentioned the SEO, I would like to provide you with a link to an article we have published some months ago about this topic, which I am sure you will find interesting:

I wish you a lovely day and I thank you again for your precious feedback, which I will forward to the dedicated department.

Kind regards.

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Размещено От Elisa B.
B. Laurianne Et Dominique
B. Laurianne Et Dominique

I agree with you Elvir Krslak !  It lacks tutorials on the latest version website 5 pro v13. The last edited by incomedia date from V11 

Thank you to think it is urgent


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Размещено От B. Laurianne Et Dominique
Niki R.
Niki R.

I totally agree with Elvir and Breuvart and the other ones who wrote similar post in the past.

If you are an experienced web designer like myself and need any support from Incomedia,

you don't want to get inexperienced answers (more likely opinions) from unknoledgeable users

in the forum who don't even use the latest version, but were appointed by Incomedia as the mediators.

Incomedia wants to save money on support and caters mainly to new unexperienced users.

I've been using Evo for ten years, back from version 7 all the way up and always had to spend hours or

days to solve issues. Version 9 was a disaster and I lost business because of that.

Version 10 wasn't intuitive, even with my previous long experience with Evo.

I skipped version 11 and 12, and now started with Evo 13 and wasted tons of time because of lack of

decent tutorials and so many bugs in the program.

Incomedia should be happy there are experienced users like us read to improve the program and

suggest the real features needed in the market today, instead they snob us and run after newbies

that design horrible website, to the shame of the company and the otherwise valid program.

Their loss.

Because I - like many other professionals - end up turning to other software like Serif or alike.

We, and many other professional users, could have easily made this program a much better one

if only Incomedia would have listen to our voices. Other companies do.

Again, their loss.

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Размещено От Niki R.
Elisa B.

Dear Niki and Breuvart,

once again thank you for letting us know about your opinion, we really appreciate your feedback as it helps us improve. All suggestions will be forwarded to the department in charge.

We know that the support must be improved and it is in fact one of our priorities. By now, you can rely on us technicians and on the moderators of the forum, who are expert users chosen by Incomedia that have been using the software for years and whose help is incredibly precious for the entire community.

@Niki, if you have any particular technical suggestions, please feel free to post an Idea for any functionality you would like to see implemented in WebSite X5. We try to satisfy as many needs as possible (just think about the possibility of selling digital products: this was an Idea you guys have suggested us!) and we are sorry if this is not always possible, but we do our best, and we work hard to provide you with interesting solutions, we really are.

I thank you again and I wish you a lovely day. Kind regards.

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Размещено От Elisa B.
Donald B.
Donald B.

Hello Elisa, with respect I say you are missing the bottom line here. It does not matter about the user guide or this forum. It's about real tutorials, step by step covering the various sections and features of X5. Sorry, but the current video is a joke, it's nothing more than a demo for sales and next to useless as a tutorial. 

X5 has a little different work flow than a WYSIWYG program and it's easy to get discouraged and frustrated, especially in the beginning. And especially with the template. People need help including me, and I am very good with computers.

When you look at another program that has several video and PDF tutorials it's inviting. You tell yourself at least I'll have step by step help most of the way. Video and PDF types are both useful.

How many have complained that it was too hard and wanted a refund?  You say you're listening to your customers, are you? Really?!

The person who keeps you (the team) from making tutorials needs to see these posts. Is that person an X5 user? Have they tried making a website using X5? Or do they just sit back and say, don't worry about the user, they don't need no stinking tutorial?

Your welcome, have a lovely day and kind regards.

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Размещено От Donald B.
Siegbert G.
Siegbert G.

Wenn Videotutorial, dann auch in deutscher Sprache. Ich denke Incomedia möchte auch die deutschen Anwender ansprechen. Ich habe mich lange genug mit Serif Web Plus in englischer Sprache auseinandergesetzt.
Zum Glück hatte ich etwas Englisch in der Schule gelernt. Ich verbringe gerade auch viele Stunden um mich in Website  X5 Evolution einzuarbeiten und werde immer neidisch wenn ich die schönen Templates der Anwender sehe.
Habe mir das Handbuch ausgedruckt und lese fast alle Beiträge im Forum um noch etwas zu lernen.
Da ich nach einem Ersatz für Serif suche habe ich testweise eine Seite mit WIX aufgebaut. Leute ich sage euch da brauchst du kein Videotutorial. Ist fast alles selbsterklärend und du kannst deine Inhalte so wie bei Serif hinstellen wo du möchtest. Jetzt kommt der Haken - sehr langer Seitenaufbau im Internet. Deshalb bin ich jetzt bei Website X5 und hoffe dass ich mich noch daran gewöhne.

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Размещено От Siegbert G.
Elisa B.

Hi guys,

as I have mentioned in my previous posts, I do understand and support your request: video tutorials would be very direct and immediate. For this reason, I have forwarded your idea to the department in charge, so it can be taken into consideration.

You're right, the idea has not been implemented yet. Still, not because we do not listen to you guys or, even worse, we do not care about your suggestions. On the contrary! We do have your needs close to our heart and your ideas are very precious to us. But please consider that there are many factors that must de carefully analyzed. That's why there are still no news about this issue, but I promise you I give a personal commitment to you to let you know if more information will be available, including as far as the available languages is concerned.

Thank you. I wish you a lovely day.


Guten Tag,

wie ich in meinen vorherigen Beiträgen erwähnt habe, verstehe ich und unterstütze ich diese Forderung: Videotutorials wären direkter und einfacher. Deswegen habe ich Ihre Idee der zuständigen Abteilung weitergeleitet, damit sie in Betracht genommen werden kann.

Sie haben recht, die Idee wurde noch nicht realisiert. Das ist aber nicht, weil wir Ihnen nicht zuhören, oder (auch schlechter) weil es uns egal ist. Im Gegensatz! Ihre Ideen und Bedürfnisse sind uns am wichtigsten. Überlegen Sie aber, dass es sehr viele Faktoren analysiert werden müssen. Deshalb sind leider noch keine Informationen verfügbar. Ich setze mich aber persönlich dafür ein, dass ich Sie kontaktieren werde, wenn es mehr Infos künftig geben werden, auch über die verfügbaren Sprachen.

Vielen Dank. Mit freundlichen Grüßen.

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Размещено От Elisa B.
Donald B.
Donald B.

With the number of hits on these posts you might be able to figure there was some interest. Sorry again, at this point there's no excuse. Doesn't your company sell screen capture software?

WebSite X5 Help Center Lack of tutorials  en Author: Alex C. Visited 220, Followers 2, Shared 0   Tags: lack,of,tutorials

How about making a few tutorials that cover step by step instructions on how to achieve more advanced uses of your program, like a noob to pro book, even a for dummies style book would be great, your user manual explains what the all the functions are pretty well but it does not tell the end-user how to actually make use of all these tools. So you end up sitting with a powerfull(and rather expensive) web design suite that you can't use to it's full potential and there's not a tutorial in sight apart from a few videos that basically tell you nothing you already knew, c'mon guys.

Posted on the 10/15/2013 20:54:57

WebSite X5 Help Center Tutorials anywhere?  en Author: Alex C. Visited 775, Followers 1, Shared 0   Tags: anywhere,tutorials

Where can one find some decent tutorials for website x5 evolution 10? I downloaded the user manual but it's very vague on how to use some of the more advanced features like setting up the access management and step by step instructions

Posted on the 10/15/2013 15:02:14

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Размещено От Donald B.
Myron A.
Myron A.

I will start releasing my new video tutorials on Website X5 in early September. These tutorials will be very comprehensive, and will appeal to the complete novice as well as more advanced users.

There are a lot of questions that appear over and over again in this forum. My goal is for the new tutorials to address all these common questions and at the same time provide insights about what goes into professional design.

Please watch for upcoming messages on this forum that will announce the tutorials as soon as they are released. smile

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Размещено От Myron A.
Wayne B.
Wayne B.

Thank you, Myron, for your offer of tutorials for us, the users. We really appreciate this. I have managed to sort out a lot of issues over the years but my site could certainly do with the use of some of the more advanced features. The use of Web Fonts, for example, would be something I would appreciate a tutorial on. My site header looks fine on my PC but totally useless on my Mac, as the fonts are not the same. I got one small section of font working and looking the same in both, but it wouldn't work for the rest..

So, I am waiting to see what you post for us!

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Размещено От Wayne B.
Elvir Krslak
Elvir Krslak

Thank you everyone for joining this discussion. I only wish well for the benefit of all. I encountered additional problems and just dropped this software and downed my tools. This software is costing me much time, which I don't have, because the developer advertises it as a fast way of building a site in just 5 klicks. Well... I can tell you I klicked a lot more and I'm still not there. So thank you to others who supported my critique. That means I'm not alone.

For example I wanted to add a mp4 film that I made. It wouldn't accept it. Then one would think that launching a site is a piece of cake. In the "sales" tutorial it's so easy, you just klick on that and bam, you have a website. It's not at all like that. The tutorials you made are promo-sales tutorials. But you know what, squarespace and other providers are actually just like that. It's them you're competing with. And I want you to win, because I'm against their ideology, making the users pay every month for having access to your site. On the other hand, they don't charge that much, really. Especially if you're a novice, really, what you're advertising, spacesquare has it. For novices, I'd definitely recommend squarespace and not this programme, not yet. But that can change. You developers can change that by responding with video tutorials that are actually made for solving problems. And you know what, if you don't do that, you'll lose. It's as simple as that.

The analogy I have for you is that you've made a guitarshop with unfinished guitars. So the only ones who can make the guitar themselves or/and have been making them are able to finish the thing they bought so that it can produce sound. But how many guitarplayers actually know how to make a guitar? So if you don't show them...

I don't want to offend anyone, I'm just telling you that all you have to do for a comprehensive videotutorial is put a couple of people on work with screencapture and post that on your youtube channel. So that you can first lead your customer to watch that videotutorial and then get back at you. Some things may be ridiculously easy for you, and you're obviously leaving your customers with a lot of tension and letting them waste time, which they don't have. That's why we bought your product, as I already said. If I were you, I'd put some of my technicians on the youtube video-tutorial issues.

P.S. I've been working with customer service for over 17 years. You guys have some serious potential. If you tell a customer who already bought your product and spent time trying out a specific question to go read a book, you've missed the boat. Just assume that the customer already has done that. And if you don't have a telephone-service I can ring, or don't provide a skype conversation option, again, you've missed the boat. And that makes me angry because you're almost there. It's just that... your service sucks at this point.

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Размещено От Elvir Krslak
Siegbert G.
Siegbert G.

It looks the same. I used half of my holidays for website x5 and did not get much further

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Размещено От Siegbert G.
Elvir Krslak
Elvir Krslak

Thank you Myron for offering video-tutorials. I'm looking forward to watching them. Please, if you can, include these two things. I have windows 10 edge. And In my final stage when I want to upload the website, I get confused by all the details about the FTP and so on. I really need a step-by step tutorial how to go about it. And the second thing is, I want to upload an mp4 video on my website, which the software won't accept.

Thanks everyone for all your comments and support.


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Размещено От Elvir Krslak
Elisa B.

Hello Elvir,

I am very sorry to read about the difficulties you have faced and I apologize if you felt abandoned.

This is in no way what we want, as accompany our users along the way of creating a website is our priority. In fact, we have opened a post in your name about the mp4 issue you have briefly mentioned. I know you have asked for a tutorial, but as they are still unfortunately not available right now, I hope you will give us the chance to help you anyway via Help Center:

As to the video tutorial themselves, as I was telling the others, I think they are a very good idea, so that I have forwarded this request to my colleagues. I promise you I will keep you informed.

Thank you! I wish you a lovely day.

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Размещено От Elisa B.
Elvir Krslak
Elvir Krslak

Hi Elisa,

Thank you for your response, I appreciate it. I will test that solution and post my experience of it here afterwards because there may be other people who have encountered the same problem. I hope I haven't offended anyone by my critique. As I said earlier, I'm a big supporter of the idea behind this software. I just wish that you in the future offer a bit more of a hands-on guidance in form of skype conversation and video tutorials. Thank you for listening to my requests.

Beside the problem with the mp4 videos I need more guidance regarding the actual launche of my website. As I stated earlier, I have windows 10 edge on my computer and can't wait to actually launch the site that I've been working on. I want to see it on the internet ASAP and see how it looks both on PC and mobile phone so that I can perfect it even more.

I really think you have a great idea with this software and I hope in the future you'll be just as competitive as some of the other providers on the market. Wordpress and squarespace are two of the big ones. Especially wordpress, because they actually provide a totally free service for starters. I'd feel great if the software works out for me and then I'll be shouting it out from the rooftop. 

I'm looking forward to more screen-capture tutorials in the future. I believe that would save both you and us users a lot of time.

Best regards,


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Размещено От Elvir Krslak
Elisa B.

Hello Elvir, 

thank you again for your support. 

I have created here a post in your name for the export issue, please check it out:

I also want to tell you guys that this post have been closed, given that we have now gone a little off topic. Closed but not forgotten! I will keep an eye on it, so that if there will be any news I will personally get back to you all guys. 

If someone wants to support this idea, please open a new Idea Topic about this. 

Thank you all! Kind regards.

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Размещено От Elisa B.