Content width 
Автор: P. S
Просмотрено 1964,
Подписчики 1,
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Is it possible to create a website with a page width (Content) of greater than 960?
If i create a new template from scratch, it seems not.
But how are the templates created that are for sale, some seem to go beyond 960?
Hello P. S,
Yes, you can set any width you like when creating a website from scratch.
Please refer to my video tutorial posted earlier this month.
Watch the video, but the basic steps are:
step 2, Template, Customisation, Resolutions and Responsive Design
If desktop site, just change the value
If Responsive, highlight desktop, select edit and change the value.
Hello Esahc..
Thankyou for the information, which worked fine.
However, i realise now that this is not what i an actaully trying to achieve.
I want to get just the header, to stretch the entire page width, just like the row settings can. I want a logo on the far left and the menu on the far right upto 1920, or full width.
i tried setting a breapoint at 1920 and 1366, creating my header, then 6 content columns divided upto 960. I then added 2 columns each side which i then hid 1 at 1366 and another at 960. This was just a mess!
I just want to end up with content at 960-1000 content and a full width menu and large image across the top, with is then responsive down to 320.
Any suggestions?
PS, you can not have a full width header I'm sorry, although you can set the header background full width. You can place your image in the header background, make the header transparent and it will appear to be full screen.
Unfortunately it is not possible to make the menu full width, but you can set the scrolling menu to full screen in step 2, customisation, page scroll options, and select "keep always visible" & "extend to width of browser window". Here you can have the logo far left and menu far right.
One "cheat" you could try if it's a single page website, or if every page is deeper than most screens would be to make the menu and menu background 0 height, then make the menu itself (template customisation main menu) as small as possible and effectively invisible (set text colour to background colour, etc), but set up the scroll menu as you want it. Initially there would be no menu when the page loads, but with the slightest mouse movement the scroll menu would appear, where & how you want it.
As I said - it's a cheat, and not a perfect one at that, but lots of single page websites use this technique to initially have some welcome message, but as the page scrolls the menu appears.
Good luck
unfortunately it is not possible to automatically get a full width header just by using the software, I am sorry about that. Still, you can use some custom code to achieve this result, which we unfortunately do not provide support for, as it does not depend on the software itself. You can search useful information about the custom code with search engines like google or wait until someone on the community of Help Center can help you.
Thank you, I wish you a nice day.
Alternatively extra ...!...
Horizontal – Menu above the header;
1) for the test, make a simple site with little content; with the top menu; with the empty header, transparent, and high 200 pixels; ... with this option:
2) publish the site and post the link: www.sitename/
-> Then, when I see the link I will proceed with my instructions ... it could work ... never hurts to try...
(IT) - In alternativa extra ...!...
Orizzontale - Menu sopra l'Header;
1) per la prova, realizzare un sito semplice con pochi contenuti; con il menu in alto; con l'intestazione vuota, trasparente, ed alta 200 pixel; ...con questa opzione:
2) pubblicare il sito e postare il link: www.nomesito/
-> Poi, quando io vedrò il link procederò con le mie istruzioni ... potrebbe funzionare ... tentar non nuoce...