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Jack C.
Jack C.

Uploading videos to my website doesn't work  en

Автор: Jack C.
Просмотрено 2091, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


We are using the Website X5 Evolution 9 programm.

Whenever we add a video in the editting stage it shows it has been added properly the way we like it.

When we use the preview function it also shows it working like we would like it to, playing the video (MP4, FLV and MOV format all working till this point.)

But when we put it live (upload) to our website it doesn't even make anything appear where we added the videos. Just a blank white background as if nothing was added there at all. No error messages are shown.

Thank you, greetings from Jack

1 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Andre E
Andre E

Hello Jack,

Try using  mp4-video with  H264 coding.

Best Regards,

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