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J. Van Parys
J. Van Parys

Shopping cart available quantity  en

Автор: J. Van Parys
Просмотрено 2716, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


I'm a bit confused in regard to the available quantity in the shopping cart.

I did some experiments

- for some products in my cart , I set the available quantity to 0, for others to a number

- for some products , I set the "availability" (in the "product settings" in the "advanced shopping cart " section to "no information on product availability" , for other products to "approximate quantity" and for some to "available quantity"

- In the "page creation" section, I checked the "show available quantity" 

the results

- the available quantity isn't shown for the products on the website

- even if the available quantity is set to 0, I can still add them to my cart.

- for some products, I get the message that they are not available anymore (even for products where I indicated "no information on product availability").

Can someone help / clarify ?

Much appreciated


12 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Andre E
Andre E

Did you create a database and linked this to the shop?

Did you upload information (project) after changes.

press F5 in your browser after upload to check.

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Размещено От Andre E
J. Van Parys
J. Van Parys


yes I did. when I change the amount and I upload the site, the readonly field is updated accordingly. this works fine.

Yes, I use F5 to refresh (even cleared the cache, used a different browser, etc ..).

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Размещено От J. Van Parys
Stefano G.

Hi Johan.

In order to verify if this issue could by any chance be caused by a faulty hosting, try and upload the same website on some other temporary free hosting, and see if it happens there too.

If it does, get back to me, and we wil eventually check the project itself.

if possible, also try on a newly made project too. See if it happens there too

Let me know


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Размещено От Stefano G.
J. Van Parys
J. Van Parys

Hi Stefano,

The project is a copy of a previously created one (where I had the same issue).

So I will recreate it from scratch to be sure...

I'll then redo the tests. If unsuccessful I'll come back to you.

Thanks a lot


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Размещено От J. Van Parys
Andre E
Andre E


Make sure you only use a database once (one database for every object and project).

so everywhere you need to create a database you must make a new one, never use these twice.

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Размещено От Andre E
J. Van Parys
J. Van Parys

Hi Andre,

Yes, I always do. I choose a unique prefix for the tables for every new project.

Beside the strange behaviour, I'm also looking for some clarification on how the quantity in the database affects the working of the chart. e.g. if the quantity is 0, can you still order ? in other words, is the figure merely an indication for the administrator or does it actually prevents further ordering if 0 is reached ? I cannot find an explanation on this in the help files.



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Размещено От J. Van Parys
Stefano G.

Hi Johan.

If the actual availability of a product has been set and this reaches 0, the customer will be unable to buy said product, effectively blocking the purchasing process

Let me know if I can offer further insight on this

Thank you


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Размещено От Stefano G.
J. Van Parys
J. Van Parys

Hi Stefano,

so if I get it right

- If I create a product and leave the quantity to 0, the stock is "unlimited", meaning that there is no threshold and people can order the amount they like.

- if I create a product and give it a quantity, then when someone orders, the quantity is decreased. when it reaches 0, ordering is not possible anymore .

- but what if I gave it a quantity and want afterwards an "unlimited" quantity ? Can I simply set it to 0 and will it then be "unlimited" ?

- what is the role of the "no information on product quantity", "approximate quantity" and "available quantity" fields ? are they there purely for display reasons or do they also have an impact on whether the thresholds are in effect or not ?



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Размещено От J. Van Parys
Stefano G.

Hi Johan.

In order to answer each point:

1. No. If you set a quantity to 0, the product won't be purchasable.

2. Exactly so

3. If you want to set an unlimited amount, you can use the Approximate Quantity feature. That let's you set the product availability to "Available" or "Not Available", not keeping under consideration any kind of quantity limit

4. See above answer

Hope I've been helpful


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Размещено От Stefano G.
J. Van Parys
J. Van Parys

Hi Stefano,

I did some tests

- I made sure all quantities are at 0 in the "available quantity" fields (I uploaded the site to make sure these values were correctly set in the database as well)

- For each product , I set "Approximate quantity" in the "availability" tab

- I tested the cart using several orders and values => works fine

- I then changed the "approximate quantity" to "no information on product quantity" for 1 product.

- retested the cart : 

    - I first ordered 200 items of the product I changed => no problem (although in the database the "available quantity" is 0)

    - I then ordered another 200 items of that product => I got the message that only 49 items were available. No idea where this number comes from ....

So I have a workaround for my problem, but I'm still confused about the "49". Since everything in the database shows a quantity of 0. Or maybe I should have a look to the database directly instead of through the settings ("available quantity")  page ?

Thanks a lot for your help



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Размещено От J. Van Parys
Stefano G.

Hi Johan.

Unfortunately it is hard to tell the reason for that specific number to have shown. Is it anywhere in the database? Maybe a lingering amount you set previously?

Remember to perform regular export of all the website everytime you make a major change such as the availability one in order to avoid errors. Delete all that is on the server and perform a full export before testing it finally.

Try and let me know


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Размещено От Stefano G.