WebSite X5Help Center

T B.
T B.

WebSite V16 installation and execution issue.  en

Автор: T B.
Просмотрено 3354, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Started V15, selected UPDATE. Update file downloaded and saved via Firefox. Executed the download .exe. Ran setup. Clicked START and V16 ran and displayed opening menu. Seemed OK. Closed V16.

Clicked the new desktop Evolution Desktop Icon (name did not have V16) and Evolution wants to reinstall. Selected Yes once and then No the last time I tried.

Clicked the W10 START UP MENU, scan down the new WeSite X5-Evolution entry (it did not have the version appended like the previous versions. Clicked to display the submenu and noted that ther were 4 sub pgms listed (Uninstall, Website Evolutions, On the Web, and Update). None of these had the appended version.

Cliked on WebSite X5 Evolution (no "-") and the program wanted to reinstall.
Clicked on "Update" and received the message that I had the latest update.
Clicked "Uninstall" and V16 was uninstall.
Clicked on "On the Web" and the WebSite web page displayed. I scanned for this issue and saw nothing.

I repeated the process of installing V16 and uninstalling 3 times with the same results.

1. Cannot restart V16 once the original V16 starts after installation.

2. Minor, but the version of V16 is not appended to any of the V16 programs. Important to me because I keep several Evolution versions ready on my desktop for updating previous web pages.

Am I not doing something correctly?

9 Ответы - 2 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

T.B. It is an easy matter to alter the name of the shortcut on the desktop (simply right click and rename, but I agree this is an annoyance)

On the off chance the installer is on your desktop, what does the icon look like?

The one on the left is the program, on the right the installer.

WX5 16 (like 15) creates a generic folder rather than one with the version number, so the defasult is documents\incomedia\website x5 - evolution (not sure I am impressed with this feature either)

When I downloaded and installed WX5 v16 Evo last night, it immediately had to upgrade itself from v16.0.3 to v16.0.4

So. . .

If you allow full install, can you use evo (create a new project)? If so please save it.

Now when you restart, is the project available?

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Elisa B.

Hello there!

First of all I want to reassure you and confirm that it is normal that the new WebSite X5 Evolution folders and icon do not carry any number version, so that this aspect is not related to the issue you are experiencing. 

If I got it right, you are constantly asked to reinstall the software, is this correct? Please check if under C:\Users\ The Admin username \AppData\Local\Incomedia\ there is a folder called WebSite X5 - Evolution and if the licence.iwl file is inside this folder.

If this folder exists and the file is there, copy the folder and paste it under c:\Users\ Your Windows username \AppData\Local\Incomedia and then start the program.

Please let me know if I can be of further help. Kind regards.

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Размещено От Elisa B.
T B.
T B.

Sorry to say, I am lost in bit space.

First, I cannot upgrade to V16. As explained above, the downloaded sw continued to want to upgrade.  Today I tried to follow your instructons. I opened V15, checked to see the version and it was 15 - note screen shot in zip, and then clicked on update.  The message given is that V15 is already upgraded. Tried in User and Admin account.  V15 thinks it is already upgraded, but the version displayed is 15.

Also, my previous WS X5 pgms do have versions and I don't believe I added them.  Attached in the zip are screen shots of my W10 System Settings Apps screen, my desk top, and my list of license on Incomedia web site.  All have versions.

Bottom line, I can't upgrade to V16 and can't find out why.


I will continue to rummage around my files and W10 to see if there is something unusual that I can delete, or clean up.

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Размещено От T B.
T B.
T B.

Please note that the above issues happen in USER and ADMIN accounts.  Running V15 in either and trying to upgrade yields the message that V15 is already upgraded.

Did find something I think is unusual.  In the ADMIN account under the APPDATA/LOCAL/INCOMEDIA, there is a "WebSite X5 - Evolution" directory with the typical X5 file folders.  Might this be deleted and then attempt to upgrade V15 again?

Reference attached zip.

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Размещено От T B.
Wayne B.
Wayne B.

Have you looked at your User Profile here on X5 Helpcentre to see if you can download the v16 file from there? That should install as the full v16 program. I don't think you can open v15 and try to update from there to v16 - it just checks to see if there is a v15 update as far as I am aware. Or have I misunderstood your posting?

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Размещено От Wayne B.
T B.
T B.

Wayne, try to download directly the other day and again just now.  Download is not available, but is give me an active date to 10/2018.

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Размещено От T B.
T B.
T B.

First, my mistake.  I was going to the Help Center MY PROFILE/LICENSE page and there were no DOWNLOADS. A few minutes ago I noticed on the Help Center page had a DOWNLOAD/SOFTWARE link.  Linked to that page, downloaded and installed V16, and it worked.  Checked v15 and it also worked.

Relative to the versions name issue, it appears to be an Incomedia policy change or "forgot".  Incomedia has been including the version name for the directories and files at least since V11.  To see this in W10, right click on the latest Evolution program (v16), select PROPERITES then the SHORTCUT tab.  Note in the "Target" and "Start In" parameter box there are no v16 appendage. View the Properties for v15 ... v11 and the "Target" and "Start In" do have the version numbers attached for the directories/files.  However for all versions, the executable is without the version number.

While viewing the v16 PROPERTIES GENERAL Tab, I appended v16 to the new EVOLUTION program. Just one way to do it.

Incomedia, keeping the version number with the Evolution properties is a great help.  THANKS

Screen snap of v11 properties show this attached.

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Размещено От T B.
Wayne B.
Wayne B.

Sorry, I should have been more specific about exactly where to look, but great that you have now got the software installed and running! Good idea you have about appending the executable file. I must try that so I don't get my versions mixed up...

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Размещено От Wayne B.
Elisa B.

Hi there, 

I am happy to heat that you could solve the download issue. I want to confirm that the missing number version is not a mistake, new versions are not supposed to have any number version reported. 

Please let me know if I can be of any help. Kind regards.

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Размещено От Elisa B.