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Dave R.
Dave R.

Export the Project Fails - Again  en

Автор: Dave R.
Просмотрено 1301, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

A few months ago I had a problem when exporting a project failed due to a missing file. I solved the problem, with the help of this forum, by successively deleting pages until I found the offending one and simply re-did that one page and all was well. 

Once again I am encountering the same failure, but a similar solution doesn't work; this time when I have deleted every page expect the Home page, export still fails.

Any ideas?


7 Ответы
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Welcome back Wes, sorry to hear it is for the same reason.

Since you have deleted everything else except the home page (I am assuming in a copy of the project), how about deleting everything on the home page (it could be as simple as a missing picture in your slide show) and if necessary anything in the header or footer?

Have you created any other iwzip files up until now? If so, is there any chance you still have one? (in v13 the iwzip is automatically overwritten unfortunately, but you can simply rename them to keep multiple versions. In v16 you can decide the name at time of creation)

If you get this fixed, I think we need to work out what is causing this issue. It could be that this particular problem was a bug rectified in later versions, but equally it could be a minor corruption or weak sectors on your hard disk.

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Dave R.
Dave R.

I have now deleted all the content of my Home page; only other thing are the "Special Pages  "Reserved Areas" and "General Sitemap". Still same problem. I have attached the error message.

Is it likely It would help to go to a more recent edition of X5?

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Размещено От Dave R.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Wes, is there any chance you still have a good iwzip created when you last had this issue? If so, it shouldn't be too hard to compare the online version with the local preview and bring in up to date?

As for reliability, I have vague recollections of a number of people experiencing this problem back around v13/v14, but I am not aware of any current issues along these lines with v16. However, we need a good iwzip file to safely import to the latest version.

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Dave R.
Dave R.

Yony - got your message and home the rest of the day. Best number would be 02-9988 4743. 


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Размещено От Dave R.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Wes, I have your project :-)

If I cannot find the issue I will be asking Incomedia for assistance.


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Размещено От Esahc ..
Michael C.
Michael C.

I added Windows 10 Version 1809 recently to my main Windows Laptop, it has rendered X5 V16.2.1 useless, I keep getting an Error Code. When I tried ReInstalling X5 V16.2.1, I get another File Code ( see attached). I added X5 V16.2.1 to my backup Windows Laptop (without V1809)  and X5 V16.2.1 works good.

My main Windows Laptop using X5 V16.2.1 will NOT open any IWZIP file even older or recent ones that I try to Import. X5 is useless on a Windows 10 V1809 computer.

Since removing Windows 10 V 1809 is not a possibility, will there be an Incomedia patch soon?

ps: this is the only company I know that doesn't allow PDF's as attachments. Why is that? I can use them in your X5 software!

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Размещено От Michael C.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Michael, this is a totally different topic and I strongly recommend you start a new post (the problem Wes had has now been solved and had more to do with an apparent bug back in v13)

In case it helps, try disabling or uninstalling all anti-virus/malware/firewall/VPN/folder sync temporarily, once the conflict/false positive is identified, the software can be re-enabled.

You're a game bloke Michael - even Microsoft don't trust Win10 1809, I believe they have withdrawn it :-)

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Размещено От Esahc ..