V8 To V9 Issues 
Автор: Michael H.
Просмотрено 1901,
Подписчики 3,
Размещенный 17
V8 to V9 Upgrade I have experienced issues converting a website from v8 to v9 but reading the previous posts on here I can see that I am not alone, I have lost all the headers etc, real pain. I then tried to create a New project in v9 from scratch. I built the website , just 3 test pages. Imported a couple of graphics and some photo's. Added text and previewed locally. All looked good. I then exported to my domain and tried to view the site. No Headers, No images downloading? Just get a circle going round and rouns as though it is trying to download additional data but nohing is happening. Not very impressed at all.
Testsite can be viewed here stevesbikes.202-sqn-assoc.co.uk
Take a look at this post for some explanations about V8 to v9 conversion:
Is your V8 site made with 8.0.16 ?
Mike you need to Batch Process your V8 before import and KEEP the V8 project on your computer until you EXPORT/BACKUP with V9 !! Otherwise you will lose all your images etc....