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Dietmar M.
Dietmar M.

Download link solution needed  en

Автор: Dietmar M.
Просмотрено 2172, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hello all,

I am trying to find a solution to simply add a download link to my pdfs and other files.

What I did so far:

1) Searched this forum for solutions first. There are some and I read and tried all few times but for whatever reason it wont work on my website. I even inserted some code provided and suggested by some members. But for whatever reason it wont work on my website or lets say, not like I expect. There was a post form John S. who creted some html code which works fine (thanks) but as I have to manually insert it might causes some risk of mistake (wrong URL or such) I prefer just clicking on given options.

2) I bought the Download button, provided in the Marketplace. Thats no good solution (at least for me). First its a separate item which I can not insert into text box (sorry, dont know the correct english word for it), causing my responsive design to look strange in some display sizes, second the link is related to the local file on my PC and not on my server, thus when I change the file I have to change all links manually instead of just upload the new file (with same name of course) to the server.

3) The solutions provided by X5 V17, setting a link wether to text or picture: I can only set to open in same window, new window, show box or pop up. This isnt useful as I have to set a certain page size for the new window/show box. I am using responsive design, in Smartphone size its ok as its downloading automatically and I can manually say OPEN. In Desktop or Tablet size ist not fully shown, depending on screen size.

4) I created a button and inserted in the text, but to set a link and result is same as above Pos.3.

5) For safety reasons I set "disable right mous click" in general, to check I set it to enable and I can manually safe the downloading file somewhere. But thats not what I am looking for an I beleive this is the old fashioned way, as most users just click on the button or link and another window opens.

What I want:

A simple solution to click on a text or a button (inserted in the text as picture, I tried this already) and a download starts automatically without opening the file by itself. In any browser I am using there is a section called Downloads in upper right where one can open the downloaded files whenver its needed.

I dont want to insert html code manually.

A solution would be highly appreciated.

Thanks a lot


4 Ответы - 2 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Andre E
Andre E

There is not in x5. So you are stuck with custom code if you want this.

But can you give me an example of a website that does this with a pdf file?

The only true suolution there is, if you want this in standard x5 application, is to zip all the content you want to set available for your visitors, you could make the zip file or any other file archieve program, make automaticly extractable.

But it most of these dicisions depend on settings of the visitors pc, not on the internet website.


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Размещено От Andre E
John S.
John S.

Hello Dietmar

I think there is no way, other than using html-code.

I think you refer to this page :

If you want to have a link in a text object, then this should also be possible if you set the html option in the text object.

If you just use the link-option in X5 and not the code, then most browsers will try to open the file if this is a pdf type.

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Размещено От John S.
Dietmar M.
Dietmar M.

Thanks both Andre and John, too bad, so I have to live with Johns code solution for now. At least its a solution even though handmade...



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Размещено От Dietmar M.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Лучший пользователь месяца RU

(It > En)

1) - attach the PDF file called "filename.pdf";
2) - leave the folder "files" proposed by default;
3) - in the text of the Text Object, select the "word" to be linked;
4) - in the connection window select the option:
File or URL | File on the Internet
5) - in the input window, type:
... some browsers will show the PDF, ... others will activate in downloads.
To make sure that you always activate the downloads, at point 5) type:
files/filename.pdf"  download  " 
(as you can see, folder + file name + downolad and with the two asymmetric quotes); ↓↓↓ 




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