Crashes when go to the OBJECT MANAGEMENT 
Автор: Sinisa B.
Просмотрено 2443,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
I have installed X5 (latest version) on my home PC (bought second hand 4 months ago - Windows 7 PRO) - and experiencing X5 crashes.
X5 crashes ONLY when I go to the OBJECT MANAGEMENT and trying to activate some of the FREE/bought objects.
This happens every time without exceptions.
The error message is in the att.
Otherwise, I had no problem with this PC - it works flawlessly.
Thank you in advance for any help!
Seems like Inco has a problem with their server currently. I can't update any object, getting the error message that the server is unavailable...
@ Dieter
I'm in my office now - and I have no problem using X5 on my office computer.
Only on my HOME PC I experience these crashes...
Interesting. When I try to update an object I get an error saying that either I have no internet connection or the Inco server is currently unavailable.
I have tried it in 13:45 h - everything works fine with the OBJECT MANAGEMENT on my office comp.
Have you checked your internet connection?
Couldn't write here if internet wouldn't work... ;-)
No worries, can be some weird routing problem. There is no urgency for me with that issue...
@ Dieter
It's probably their fault - few days ago Incomedia had issues with the server...
I experience the same problem. Installed yesterday X5 on two computers en it will chrash each time when i select the Object Management. Until now the problem occured :-(
And yes, i've updated .Net to version 4.8 (Windows 10)
@ Taco D.
My home PC is on Win 7 Pro - it crashes instantly when I click on any of the objects in the OBJECT MANAGEMENT.
X5 works flawlessly on my office computer (Win 10)
Hopefully we would hear from the support soon...
@Sinisa B
I also hope that the problem will be resolved shortly.
Good day everyone
I would like to investigate this issue further for you.
Can you confirm that this happens for any Object you try to click on? What if you try to reinstall the software. Does this still happen?
Please keep me posted here on this
Thank you
Normally Stefano investigates on this.
Same issue here:
And many tests and conclusion.
No pb with v16, v17 but with v2019.x on same win 7 pro 64 bits...
Same configuration for all installations...
@ Stefano
Thank you for the reply!
It crashes every time, regardless of the object I click on.
I have noticed that when I create a new project (blank template) - it does NOT crashes when clicked on ANY of the OBJECTS.
But, as soon as save this new project and close the program - up on the next loading of this saved project - the same things happens...
Good day everyone
I can confirm that the issue has been forwarded to the developers and further examination of the issue are underway.
In the meantime, I would suggest trying to install the software on a different device or try to test under a different network
I will be sure to notify you here as soon as news on the matter becomes available
Thank you for your patience
@ Stefano
thank you for your notice!
The strange thing is mentioned in my post above.
"I have noticed that when I create a new project (blank template) - it does NOT crashes when clicked on ANY of the OBJECTS.
But, as soon as save this new project and close the program - up on the next loading of this saved project - the same things happens..."
Hello! (For all purposes...)
Do you have the "Ransomware Defender" software installed on the computer?
Seen on a French user post: he was blocking the operation of the software. After uninstall everything is back in order.
Thank you for commenting!
No, I have my COMMODO Internet Security Suite installed - no other security software.
@ Stefano
Any news regarding this issue?
Thank you!
Hi Sinisa
Unfortunately, not at the moment. I can confirm that the issue is being actively worked on in order to verify the reason for this, but it is only confirmed at the moment that this has to do with issue of the software connecting to the internet. This could be generated by some issues on the network or due to interfering software such as antiviruses.
If possible, I'd suggest disabling these temporarily and verify if the software works after a restart of the pc.
Just for checking
Keep me posted on this if possible
Thank you
Hey Stefano,
Into my post (switched private by you)... and you can reopen it for the public pls to help users to undertsand.
The issue seems the same. You ask me to do some tests by adding a new user on my Win7.
The results are on same system and same environnement.
v16.3.1 --> No issue
v17.1.2 --> No issue
v2019.2.5 --> same issue
I had v2019.2.3 setup.
v2019.2.3 --> same issue
Good day everyone
As I mentioned before, I can confirm that the issue has been forwarded to the developers and further examination of the issue are underway.
Unfortunately, there is still no news for the moment but I want to reassure you that the matter is being looked into
As soon as news become available, I will be sure to notify you here
Thank you
@ Stefano
Thank you for the notice!
Hello everyone
I would like to inform you that a BETA update is available for testing which should address your issue
You can read more about it here in case you are not and wish to join:
If you have the chance to test it out, please leave me a feedback here and let me know if the issue was in fact fixed for you
Thank you
Hey all,
For me fixed into v2019.2.8