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Steven Talbert
Steven Talbert

Can You Add The "custom Template" Screen For Making Adjustments To Preinstalled Templates?  en

Автор: Steven Talbert
Просмотрено 1041, Подписчики 3, Размещенный 8  

Can you add the "Custom Template" screen for making adjustments to preinstalled templates? Currently when you select one of the preinstalled templates, you do not have the option of the "Custom Template" screen where you can make certain adjustments like: adjusting the margins for the menu and the page contents and choosing to have the menu above or below the header. I feel these adjustments are needed to properly use the templates. Could you add this feature?

3 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

The template pictures are placed in your install path eg. C:\Program Files\WebSite X5 v9 - Evolution\Templates

Here you can simply add the pictures from the preinstalled templates, and then make the changes you wish.

I've done it before, and it works great.


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Размещено От Henrik Hansen
Steven Talbert
Steven Talbert

Thank You! Works Great!

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Размещено От Steven Talbert
Der Zwoemti
Der Zwoemti

Since you're not the only one who has also written on!

This feature makes the process much easier.

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Размещено От Der Zwoemti