Register product every time I open it 
Автор: Alistair M.
Просмотрено 1223,
Подписчики 2,
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I have downloaded the new website X5 evo.
Since installing it I have to enter my product key every time I launch the app. Which is getting very annoying.
Also I started project, saved it and closed the program. Opened the app the next day and it had vanished. To me this sounds like a bug in the software as I have looked into my operating system and hard drives.
Just wondered if anyone else has had similar issues?
Thanks In advance.
Alistair, I am aware of a previous user with the same problem. In that case the deletion of the appropriate folder in the hidden appdata folder resolved it.
C:\Users\Yourname\AppData\Local\Incomedia\WebSite X5 - Evolution
Note that appdata is a hidden folder, so you need to show hidden folders/files
When WX5 is restarted you should only have to register once
Please advise if this fixes the problem.
Thank you for getting in touch.
Please check if under C:\Users\ The Admin username \AppData\Local\Incomedia\ there is a folder called WebSite X5 v13 - Evolution and if the licence.iwl file is inside this folder.
If this folder exists and the file is there, copy the folder and paste it under c:\Users\ Your Windows username \AppData\Local\Incomedia and then start the program.
Thanks! Kind regards.
The licance file is in both versions, should I uninstall the older verion? could this be the issue ?
Unfortuatly when I register the product and close it again the licance.iwl file vanishes.
I wonder if this is a fault in your software?
If i do uninstall and reinstall how do I backup my designs ?
Many thanks for your help so far.
Alistair, uninstalling and re-installing will not affect your projects (by default stored in my documents), although it is ALWAYS wise to have at least one iwzip of each project stored in a separate location. However, I suggest re-installing will not fix the issue. You could try deleting the folder C:\Users\Yourname\AppData\Local\Incomedia\WebSite X5 - Evolution (if you delete the whole Incomedia folder in appdata/local then ALL versions will need re-activating), this is (almost) the equivalent of a re-install, or you can wait for Elisa and I am sure she will have an answer.
Hi Alistair,
so the licence.iwl file is available both in the admin and in the regular user folder?
I kindly suggest you to proceed as follows:
Thanks! Kind regards.