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Steve J.
Steve J.

Problems since updating to 2020.1  en

Автор: Steve J.
Просмотрено 960, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Upgrade to 2020.1 yesterday and then uploaded website:

First problem it wouldnt recognise the upload directory. It worked previously. The directory in question is actually a symbolic link to another directory. Changed to the linked directory and it worked. Would prefer it if X5 went back to recognising symbolic links.

Second and very major problem. Cant access the admin page. Keep getting a HTTP 500 error. Checked the file structure and the relevant directory is there.


4 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Steve J.
Steve J.

Solved the admin page issue. php Version. Prehaps next time Incomedia should make it more obvious about there being an issue with a minimum php version.

Still got the upload problem with the symbolic link.


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Размещено От Steve J.
Paul M.
Paul M.
Steve J.
Prehaps next time Incomedia should make it more obvious about there being an issue with a minimum php version.

When using the built-in FTP engine the software will warn you before uploading if the version of PHP on the web server requires upgrading.

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Размещено От Paul M.
Steve J.
Steve J.

Paul M

It didnt warn me.


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Размещено От Steve J.