Continued low stock warning via manager app. 
Автор: Andy A.
Просмотрено 1493,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
Hello, i keep getting a low stock warning message via the manager app. I am on ver. 2020.1.8 64bit. All my items are set to approx. stock within settings apart from those marked out of stock? Can someone advise if i am doning something wrong?
website is i have removed right click so source can be viewed for the next 12 hours - is that enough time?
Great product BTW.
Andy A.
Hello. I sent a notification about your question to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
Hello Andy
If I understand correctly, you have no products with any different settings than Approximative stock, correct?
But you have some that have no stock availability, right? What if you try to set those products as available? Does the notification go away? Also, how many are you receiving? Is it a continuous amount or every now and then?
Please provide more information on what exactly happens so that I might get a better idea of the issue
Keep me posted here
Thank you
Stefano, I have removed availability completey from the one item that was out of stock. the rest all have approx. stock. i get an error message everytime someone places an order... I will check this afternoon and see if it continues..