Contact Form Object ,where the stores users information? 
Автор: M. Kalem
Просмотрено 2070,
Подписчики 1,
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I have A form filling up by customers as like name telephone and so.
and asking to upload some photos and videos from customers
as using:
Contact Form Object / Field Type Attachment File
All information I am able to see in Database including the name of photos and videos
but where is the photos/videos itself storing,or location?
Hello Mahmut,
The photos and videos are also stored in the database; however, you need to change the 'type' of field (in which they are to be stored) from 'Text' to 'Blob' (see the example below):
You can then use a MySQL query to retrieve the attachment from the database.
You can use phpMyAdmin to help you with this... it is often included with cPanel hosting:
Otherwise you can send the attachment by email instead of storing it in the database.
Kind regards,
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Dear Paul
After your suggestion I changed to blob ?!! And again try many methods, but not possible to find unfortunately.
On the other hand I ask Ipage (hosting) their answer is:
( From Ipage: I have re-submitted the form at and found the file 'test-product-test_719.png' uploaded to the root folder. The images are uploaded directly to the root and not to a sub-folder. The path for the uploaded images can be changed. Your website is created using custom HTML. You can contact your WebMaster to update the script and correct the path. Unfortunately, we do not edit the scripts on our end.)
is there any sense?
one more question is there any other method / software to receive data from MySQL / easily
Hello Mahmut,
Thanks for the update.
Following your feedback I have conducted some tests of my own, and have also noticed the same situation that you describe.
I will ask Incomedia to comment on this directly, and provide some clarification as to why the images are going into the root folder as opposed to the database.
As regards alternatives to phpMyAdmin, you might want to take a look at these two softwares:
Hope this helps. Please continue to monitor the thread for an official reply from Incomedia.
ADDENDUM: after doing some further research on this it would appear that what is happening is expected behaviour. Please see these older posts:
I will leave the thread set for Incomedia's attention. But in the meantime, Mahmut, please accept my sincere apologies for the instruction offered earlier in good faith, but which was on this occasion erroneous.
Best wishes...
Hello to everyone
I can confirm Paul's latest findings. The images are definitely not ending in the Database. The image will be stored online where the user uploaded them so that the website owner can in fact access them. It is not needed to apply any kind of change on the Database tables
This is the correct behavior at the moment
Please do let me know if I can give you any further insight on this
Thank you
Brother Main question aall this conversation
where are they?
where exactly I will find and download from the location to my personel computer to process and use in X5 software.
Hello Kalem
If the answer your hosting provider provided you is correct, the answer to where you'll find these files is already there:
"I have re-submitted the form at and found the file 'test-product-test_719.png' uploaded to the root folder. The images are uploaded directly to the root and not to a sub-folder"
So, you'll find them in the main folder of your online space.
If you have any trouble getting there, contact your hosting provider's support. They should be able to help you get access to it
I hope I was helpful
dear stefano
I understand that Main Root folder very soon will be mess up with hundreds of photos,
how can we specify to a sub folder for example named uploadedphotos
please don't say :you cannot
thanks in advance
Hello Kalem
You should be able to specify a different folder in Step 1 -> Data Management
Create a folder on your hosting space and specify its path here. The files will be saved in there
I hope I was helpful
Dear Stefano
Thanks for the answer.
Contact form texts uploading to ...............} database/table
contact form photos uploading to ............ } Root / folder
how to connect same contact form data, this 2 different places each other?
BLOB issue also not working
on the other hand
I tried to use send email option to receive contact form information
sender receives confirmation email that we received his form
but I get nothing
in root/folder ::: email_log.txt
Written: "Could not instantiate mail function."
php 7.3.2 uses
Hello Kalem
I apologize but I did not understand your issue.
From your first post, I understand that the data is being saved in the Database but you couldn't find the images anywhere. Now you mention this:
"Could not instantiate mail function"
So, does the form work or not? If not, did you ever send emails before? Is this the first time it is not working?
In the software, what type of PHP script are you using for sending? Let me know here
Thank you
hi again
your photo sample is what I did the same and it is working,
that one is not working:
problem is:
who is the fill up the form, receives a message that : the form successfully submitted,
but I dont receive anything any information?Means I am not aware.
on the other hand
this option also not working
in the root folder on Ipage there is an email.txt
error report:
"Could not instantiate mail function"
whats wrong am I doing?
Hello Kalem
For this issue here, try to uncheck this and see if it works:
For the second issue, which one is the email that isn't working? The one sent to you or the one sent to the customer?
Keep me posted here
Thank you
Hi Stefano
as your suggestion UNCHECK sender email adress
then this option start to Work.
(why it is working in unchecked condition interesting?)
I am receiving message that somebody fill-up the form with the information.
I want to use " Send Data to Database " option.
in this:
the client receives a message that:his application already confirmed and delivered;
I don't get any mail that somebody filled up the form immidiately
when I check the database then I realized that somebody filled up the form and data in there already
Hello Kalem
I would like to sum up the information in order to avoid confusion.
If you uncheck the option as I suggested, does it work? This is so because in nowadays hostings, many emails sent with a different email address than the one the domain belongs to can cause issues. This option avoids that when unchecked.
Now with this:
The customer receives the email, you get the data in the database but you receive no email in the admin? Did you check in the Spam as well?
Can you try a different email address here?
Keep me posted on this
Thank you