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Adrian B.
Adrian B.

Cart icon displays number of  en

Автор: Adrian B.
Просмотрено 1161, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Many carts offer an icon to the user that has a small number positioned in the cart icon that indicates the number of items added to the cart so far before checkout....

Very handy and nice feature for the shopper....

Please implement in X5....

Thank you


8 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello. I sent a notification about your idea to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.

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Размещено От Aleksej H.
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

@ Adrian

As you probably know - we have an option to see the number of products BESIDE the shopping cart icon... but you would prefer that the number of items would be placed INSIDE the cart-icon?

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Размещено От Sinisa B.
Adrian B.
Adrian B.

Maybe I'm missing something? Is there a shopping cart icon?  There is a shopping cart Object to place on a page and link cart data to - but I have not seen where there is an X5 icon for the cart?  I use my own icon and link to the cart "special page"...

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Размещено От Adrian B.
Andrzej K.
Andrzej K.

You should put Cart Status on site (for example in headline - Step 2, Content of template) and there is a few option - total amount, amount of products and weight.

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Размещено От Andrzej K.
JiPeR 48
JiPeR 48

Hi Adrian

By using 3X the object, we can obtain this display. It's a test done quickly of course...  ;o)

It's in french...


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Размещено От JiPeR 48
Adrian B.
Adrian B.

I completely missed that! Thank you!

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Размещено От Adrian B.
Adrian B.
Adrian B.

So the cart status object shows a cart icon, the value of 7.00 euros, and a rectangle around it all.

But when I use the cart status tool it just shows either the quantity of items, weight or value; there is no cart icon or containing rectangle.

So its BYOI? (Bring Your Own Icon)

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Размещено От Adrian B.
Sinisa B.
Sinisa B.

@Adrian - there is no icon LINKED to the Cart Status have to insert it as an image object and put the Cart Status beside it...

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Размещено От Sinisa B.