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Graeme G.
Graeme G.

Email font not right  en

Автор: Graeme G.
Просмотрено 1137, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Regarding the email received from the website email form. The font always come through in New Times Roman font not the font you want, i.e. I've changed the attahced to Roboto Condensed and it still comes through as New times Roman?

6 Ответы
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Greg, what email client are you using?

If you use a websafe font (eg arial) for the email is that more acceptable/correct?

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Graeme G.
Graeme G.

Hi - do you mean "email client" such as Roundcube?

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Размещено От Graeme G.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Does roundcube support fonts in other emails? If you select arial does it still display times?

(the default font for web when a font is not found is times).

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Graeme G.
Graeme G.

Hi - Doesn't matter what font I change it to they all come through New Times Roman

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Размещено От Graeme G.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hi Gordon,

This might be a case of email client converting an HTML message to a plain text one, due to settings either within the email client itself, or on Graeme's server.


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Размещено От Paul M.