Essential object must be purchased extra?!?
Автор: Sinisa B.
Просмотрено 1894,
Подписчики 1,
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My company still has two (2) web-shops made in WSX5 - and sincethe old shopping cart object is depreciated - we wanted to replace it with the new Cart Status object...
But, surprise - surprise - this object costs 12 Cr!
So, we have here a "professional webshop building software" (pls. note the quotation marks) - where the users must pay extra for the essential part of any eCommerce software: the shopping cart status!!!
Since asking Incomedia to make this object FREE could be fruitless - I'm asking (Incomedia) if this essential object could be priced somewhere around 5 Cr?
Incomedia - I'm expecting that you'll find my demand reasonable...
There is also free content for this. But it is a bit more hassle.
find a picture yourself, like a shopping card, add it where you would like the info to be shown, you can make a remark with the link object (TAB Tooltip) if needed.
But to make it work select the link object choose eather shopping cart, add to cart or search product from the link options.
you can also use the image library and use the free images to search for a shopping cart or similair.....
I am agree with you, to buy a part of the software already paid for this main function is not really normal.
Even if the object brings new features... It's a main part of e-Commerce function.
Money is money !!!
but it's too much !
@ Andre
Thank you for the comment & workaround - but this is not the point.
The point is:
the software like this - who calls itself to be "a professional tool" - has to have this option included for free. End of story!
@ Axel
I just wish we have not made those webshops in WSX5 - I have lost hundreds of hours writing posts on this forum, all in-vain. Cheers!
Hi Sinisa,
I can see your point, but please consider that the new Cart Status Object has been completely renewed if compared to the previous one: with the old Object, it was possible to report a value only, while with the new one not only you can do this, but you can also report an image and define all the necessary graphic parameters. Because the changes applied were so important, we decided to make a new Object, which is paid just because of all the options included.
Please let me know if you need any further clarification.
I know your point Sinisa,
Just wanted you to know that this is an option also.
It is very difficult to see difference between truly extra option and standard items, the credit's system in total should be removed or better judged between standard and truly extra package.
Anyway this will always be a thin and unclear line, as the price is also.
for instance, there is an object called snowfall, okey, nice for in the winter, but there is also an object falling down. IMHO these are exactly the same scripts, but one uses different pictures then the other, why not make this 1 option, if you want both you need to buy these both although it's the same programming, that feels like cheating. you made one, you let users pay, don't do it again, just add these other pictures to the fallen object, this is not a lot of work and should not be payed seperatly.
Yours is the same, price is in my option also too high.
better get these discussions about the credit's system and the this unclear line away and make thes all standard options.
so +10 from me for your request
Why don't INCOMEDIA take their own medicine?????
If the e-commerce were PRO enough, they could have a shop where objects could be bought as digital goods.
People could then buy what they need - and pay for each object. Fair and simple.
One wonders why they don't do that. Maybe they could tell us why?????
Andre E.
The truth is much worse: - if you change picture in snowfall, you receive snowfall with any symbol you need...
@ Elisa
If Incomedia could not recognize that this object (as it is) should be a regular part of the PRO (and even an EVO) version - there is nothing more to say...
@ John @ Andrzej @ Andre
If you need a PRO tool - start looking elsewhere. The final straw for me was when my company lost a client because the product variants could not have its own quantity (i.e. same model: Black shirts, 10 pcs, Red shirts, 5 pcs. etc.).
Incomedia probably knows how clients are important in the days of PLANdemic, but no updates relating to the BURNING users demands were not made for years!
I'll gladly pinpoint you to the few solutions which are truly "PRO"...
My e-mail is: sinisa(dot)blasic(at)commodatio(dot)hr
Credits! Don't get me started :)