Product-csv file does not contain enything 
Автор: Tamás F.
Просмотрено 1643,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
The product.csv file ( generated by version 5.2 is empty.
Hello Tamas,
i just tested and i got all products, else try a reset of pc, start only x5 and try again.
let me know....
Thanks, but there ii not any changiing. I restarted my PC and I uploaded my website (webshop) on my server. The product.csv is emty. Only the header of the file can be seen.
Hello Tamas,
I believe that it is mandatory to have a picture for each product and page description too.
Hello Axel,
Every product have picture. Description is not manadatory, it is optional. On my webshpo every produkt have link to a webpage, that contains the description.
Regards, Tamas
Hello Tamas,
Picture & Page description are mandatory to be compliant with FB and the CSV export file.
Was said by Stefano during his webinar on this new functionnality.
Wait a comment from Stefano ?
Does a moderator can marked this post to Incomedia, pls ?? to confirm or not ...
I have set this post for Incomedia to respond, in the meantime, check if you start x5 as admin (right mouse button on x5 start icon), and try that.
Try also for test to nake a new project, add 1 product nothing more and try the download, do you see then the 1 product added? I just did this test and see the product in the download.
Dear Andre and Axel,
Thanks for your advise. You are right!
Itis deceptive to mark the description as optional. Please look at my picture enclosed.
Regar ds,
Tamas Fodor
Great, i will set the help for Inco off.
Thanks for the feedback