I can no longer upload updates to my website 
Автор: Jayson U.
Просмотрено 1106,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
I updated my website about 2 months ago with no problems. Now, I made a few changes to the actual site and upon hitting "Start" to upload, I get an error - "Unable to connect to server. Please check with your internet provider that you have the correct connection information."
I have visited GoDaddy and verified my information and all the boxes are filled out correctly (nothing has changed since the last upload)
Some one please help as I have very little knowledge in this field
What was entered in the fields?
If you don't want your own web address to be named, then use the example web address example.org.
Example of the German version.
5 Export > Export der Website ins Internet
Url der Website: https://emample.org<< Your complete web adress
Zielverzeichnis: / << only a slash
>> Klick Parameter.
FTP-Parameter /_______/_______
Servertyp: SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol
FTP-Adresse: ssh.strato.de << Your hoster adress with ssh.
Benutzername: example.org << Your Domain
Passwort: ooooooooooooooo
[x] Passowort speichern
[x] Passives FTP verwenden
[x] GZip-Komprimierung aktivieren
Gleichzeitige Übertragung [ 3 ]
Port [ 22 ]
________/________/ E-Mail
Scrripttyp für E-Mail-Versand: [ PHP Mailer (empfohlen) ]
E-Mailadresse des Absendes:
(Hier die Mailadresse) << Your mail adress
Are there any problems being reported in website/admin ‘website test’?
Nothing at all. I've even tried erasing and re-writing the perameters manually. I've checked the info on my hosting site to make sure all the info was correct as well.
website address (URL): http://XXXXXXXXX.com
Destination folder: /
Server type: FTP
FTP address: 107.xxx.xx.xxx
Username: XXXXXXXX
Password: XXXXXXX
pasive FTP
Gzip compression
Port 21
nothing in data management
If you replace the FTP address with the domain name does it work? (ie xxxxx.com)
I have only ever needed the IP address for FTP before the domain name was recognised.
Maybe change would be good here?
Consider checking with your provider the possibility of SFTP or FTPS (both, more secure methods of communicating over the internet).
I would recommend that you follow the providers instructions for making such connections, and use them in Step 5 > FTP & DB connection parameters.
And yes, do not use http:// https:// ftp:// or alike in the server configuration, unless told otherwise.
Ich can find this information.
----- GoDaddy -----
Field / What to enter...
Host:Your domain name or IP address
Username:Your FTP username
Password:Your FTP password
>> https://img4.wsimg.com/support/pdf/WebHosting/webhostingguide-041420.pdf (Page 29)
You can test the FTP access with the FTP program FileZilla to see whether the data in the parameters is correct. A small guide to this is also on the PDF file linked above on page 29.
Jayson, along with all of the other suggestions, if you are running any third party antivirus/malware/vpn or firewall products, please either temporarily uninstall or disble them and test again. This type of problem is frequently from a "false positive" detection.
You may also wish to attempt to browse destination before starting the upload.
Thanks ever for your help. I finally just changed all my info at godaddy and modified my logins to match. works now
It is great to hear the problem is resolved.
Please don’t forget to mark this thread as ‘resolved’.
Thank you, Jayson.