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Richard S.
Richard S.

Ftp upload getting file errors  en

Автор: Richard S.
Просмотрено 890, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

When I am trying to upload files using FTP i just started getting errors on files.  I used my back up and the same thing happens.. Here is a screen shot.  Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing these and how should I go about correcting them...

10 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

the screenshot is not uploaded. we can't say anything without a precise error message... which program are you using to upload?

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Размещено От Franz-Josef H.
Richard S.
Richard S.

Im uploading using ftp using Website X5 EVO to upload.  Everything was working last night then today im getting these errors.  I've included pictures i hope this will help.

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Размещено От Richard S.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Since it is not clear where the error lies, rule out all possible errors.

Was a 2nd attempt made to upload the webpage?

Backup copy of the project created? - WebSite X5 > 5 Export > Export project.

Newly installed WebSite X5? - Click here on the user name at the top right, select "My Profile" and download and reinstall the program under "Download".

Possibly restart Windows, not just switch it off and on again.

Was or is there a problem with the hosting provider?

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Размещено От Daniel W.
Richard S.
Richard S.

I did everything that you suggested. I even talked to my host and they said the system is working great with no problems.  It even gave me the error on my back up copy...

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Размещено От Richard S.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Has the error been fixed?

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Размещено От Daniel W.
Richard S.
Richard S.

No its still there.  I can't even add pages the export just keep error out on the About page.  I even deleted that page and its still erroring out on that page when it does not exist....

So I added a new page and that one doesn't even show up when I export.  I don't understand it everything worked like clock work then poof everything changed.  I did not do anything to change it. I might just have to go back to Openelement again and trash this software....

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Размещено От Richard S.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

I've been using the EVO version for my brother's website for 5 years.

I just did a test with the Evo version and my brother's website and added a new page and the vertical navigation bar disappeared. Then I removed the new page again and the vertical navigation bar is back.

Obviously there is a bug in the Evo version, Incomedia has to take care of that.

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Размещено От Daniel W.
Richard S.
Richard S.

Yes very true.  It might be this version or the Host (Hostinger) I deal with.  They say there site is working properly, but then the uploads are slower then they have been in the past.  I might try to reset my xfinity modem maybe it needs to be purged like the comcast modems do once in a while.

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Размещено От Richard S.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

I didn't upload my test. I'm glad that after removing the new page the error is gone.

I live in Germany and have a fiber optic connection and a router from Telekom. My brother's website is uploaded to Strato and mine to Hosteurope.

Incomedia has to take care of the problem with the Evo version anyway, because at some point I'll have to create a new page for my brother's website.

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Размещено От Daniel W.
Richard S.
Richard S.

Well I solved the problem.  it was not the website software or the host.  I did a reset of my modem now everything is working like it should.  Go figure.. 

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Размещено От Richard S.