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Gerard V.
Gerard V.

Import a page from another project  en

Автор: Gerard V.
Просмотрено 1226, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Goodmorning, question, i have two projects with different templates, can i import one page from a project into the other one? Thank you for the answer, best regards, Gerard

4 Ответы
John S.
John S.


If the X5 versions is the same.

Open 2 instances of X5 - the one with project 1 and the other with project 2.

It is then as copying a page in the same project.

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Размещено От John S.
Gerard V.
Gerard V.

Hello John, thanks for the quick good replay. I have found that and its working. But when coppied ists coppied in the template were i past it. Is it also possible to copy the lay-out and background form project 1 to project 2? Thanks again.

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Размещено От Gerard V.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

These instructions describe how a template can be exported from one project and imported into another project. however. All pages of the receiving project are displayed with the imported template. 

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Размещено От Franz-Josef H.
Gerard V.
Gerard V.

Hello, thanks, i understand, best regards, Gerard

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Размещено От Gerard V.