Weblink from an html page does not work after update of website X5 
Автор: Bendt M.
Просмотрено 785,
Подписчики 1,
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I have just updated website X5 Compact (10 years old program) to Evo newest version.
In an html code Object I have some links (see https://molles.dk/CV_Bendt/uddannelse.html)
The code are inserted in an "HTML code object" are as in the attached zip file
The code for the table works with the ZIP file and also when I copy the table code from the website and paste it into an HTML object on my test page.
Delete the old HTML object, drag a new HTML object into the grid and insert the table code.
If that doesn't work, then the moderators or Incomedia employees would have to help.
… (It > En) ... you made a mistake pasting the code…
... has two selectors with the same ID (#imCell_3) embedded one inside the other, this cannot happen with the program...!...
... basically, right now, you have a div that inhibits the table...
... so there are two solutions:
1) ... or use the table code correctly in an html code object, which is the preferred solution;
2) ... or, leaving things as they are now, use this EXTRA code to immediately reactivate the table:
<style> #imCellStyleGraphics_3 {display:none !important} </style>
p.s.: of your ZIP file in an html code object you only need to use:
the <style>***</style> TAG and the <table>***</table> TAG...