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Hugh S.
Hugh S.

Items not showing on site when uploaded  en

Автор: Hugh S.
Просмотрено 495, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


All of a sudden certain items are not showing on the website after uploading. Items include an image file in the header, and a jsstor gallery object and a HTML object on the welcome page. They appear in the program's internal browser when previewing. I have used both Edge and Vivaldi to view the site online, and turned off my VPN, all with no effect.

I have tried bringing all the images to the front but this has had no effect.

This problem seems to have arisen after the lastest program update.

Is there a fix or workaround? Have I missed something?

The welcome page can be seen at The crest should appear at the right of of the header, the jsstor gallery under the header, and a clickable image (a HTML object) under the Praesidium image bottom left, above the footer.

4 Ответы - 2 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Eric C.

Hello Hugh,
could you try exporting after using CTRL + Preview?
It will open a preview after some loading time, regenerating the website's file in the process.
Thank you.


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Размещено От Eric C.
Hugh S.
Hugh S.

Thanks Eric. I just did that, and indeed the preview took some moments longer to load. When it finished loading, everything was appearing as it should. I have just exported the site to the server again, and after pressing shift+F5 on the page in Edge the page still does not have everything appearing.


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Размещено От Hugh S.
John S.
John S.

When you export then try to use the Export all.

Sometimes the X5 does not behave as it should when you use the defaul method (only changed)

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Размещено От John S.
Eric C.

Hello Hugh,
if you see that the situation remains unchanged even after John's suggestion, please provide me with a copy of the project,
so that I can take a closer look at what might be causing this.
You can export it in Step 5 - Export with the Export the project option, generating an IWZIP file.
You can then use or similar platforms to provide us with a download link at sales @
Thank you.


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Размещено От Eric C.