WebSite X5Help Center

Graeme O.
Graeme O.

The entry page is not displaying  en

Автор: Graeme O.
Просмотрено 990, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I have added a  entry page to my website with a vimeo video but it is not showing in my preview or when uploaded to the interenet. Looking at previous issues, I notice that the entry page won't let me add the index page option, is that the cause?

I have tried using preview and control button in website export to internet  and uploading all files. Also tried F5 and control in browser.

11 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

What is probably meant is the intro page (see screenshot). When this page is activated, the Website X5 program creates two new files (index.php and home.html).

However, after exporting, I had to delete the index.html file in the FTP window of WebSite X5, otherwise the homepage would be displayed incorrectly.

I tested it with a YouTube video because I couldn't quickly find a free Vimeo video.

The preview only showed a black rectangle instead of the YouTube video, but after exporting it worked with the video.

However, you won't get to the normal homepage if you don't check the box at the bottom of the intro page...

[X] Go to homepage after (seconds): 5

(Hint: Or many more seconds if you want visitors to watch the video longer before it automatically switches to the homepage)

If you deactivate the intro page and problems occur, the files index.html and home.html in the FTP window of WebSite X5 would have to be deleted.


My recommendation:

Maybe it's better to integrate the video with the "Video and Audio" object on the normal homepage, then there will be fewer problems for visitors and yourself.

I hope I didn't misunderstand the post.

----- German version -----

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Размещено От Daniel W.
Graeme O.
Graeme O.

Reply Thanks yes deleting the index html does display it but when process comes back to going to the homepage it says index.html can't be found. 

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Размещено От Graeme O.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Graeme, you will need index.html, but you may also need to add a line to your htaccess file, or perhaps just contact your hosting

Your index.php definitely exists and eventually loads index.html

Apache needs to be configured to recognize index.php as an index file.

The simplest way to accomplish this..

  1. Create a .htaccess file or add to existing file in your web root.

  2. Add the line...

DirectoryIndex index.php

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Graeme O.
Graeme O.

Yes I tried to set up an entry page and worked on a couple of amendments with removing the index.html etc and after I did that I realised the home.html was not there and was going to upload that to the server but this error message stopped me.

WebSite X5 Help Center  - The entry page is not displaying.

maybe it didn'y like me uploading an .htaccess file?

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Размещено От Graeme O.
Graeme O.
Graeme O.

I did a dns check and  it appears there is a couple of unresolved  centres in UK for txt records.

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Размещено От Graeme O.
Eric C.

Hello Graeme,
checking your .htaccess file, it seems that it is not the file generated by the software, as it does not have the section containing the pre-set code written automatically by WebSite X5, but rather something about WordPress.
Have you replaced the .htaccess created by the export with this one?
I would suggest deleting this one and exporting all of the website files again, adding the necessary custom code to the new file that will be generated automatically (AFTER the section containing the WebSite X5 code, it will be marked by a warning).


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Graeme O.
Graeme O.

Thanks for that Eric, I must have picked up wrong .htaccess file. The only problem being that I am unable to fix that because the ftp window of the destinantion folder is greyed out not working to give me access.

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Размещено От Graeme O.
Eric C.

Hello Graeme,
do you remember if you have edited or deleted anything outside of /public_html, such as in the folders at the previous levels?


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Размещено От Eric C.
Graeme O.
Graeme O.


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Размещено От Graeme O.
Graeme O.
Graeme O.

I think the issue is with the .htaccess file, if I can get in to change look at that I can see what the problem is, is there another way I can get to the ftp window?

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Размещено От Graeme O.
Graeme O.
Graeme O.

Thanks Eric,  have removed the entry page and have made a clean export of the website and it is back to my previous version of the site without the entry page. Appreciate all the help

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Размещено От Graeme O.