Animated headlines impossible to deactivate or delete 
Автор: Viktar S.
Просмотрено 336,
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Hi, I tried to use the Animated headlines on my website and found that it is not possible to deactivate threreafter. There is no "animated headlines" object on the area (I could delete it) but when I preview my work or upload it to the web, it still there and spoil my work. Please help me to remove these animated headlines completely and please update your software so I and the rest of customers could use your software without troubles. Thank you
From the looks of things, the object should be in the header.
I just tested it, and I can remove the object again, see screenshots below
In WebSiteX5, hold down the left Ctrl key, click on "Preview" and wait until the bottom progress bar has run through completely, then export the entire page to the Internet.
----- A) With animated headlines -----
----- B) Animated headlines deleted -----
Thank you, friend, but in my case there is no animatedheadlines object in the header. However I can see it in the preview. And of course it will go to the upload. I think it is a glitch of the software which needs to be resolved by the developer.
Here is the website displayed using Firefox's web developer tools, see screenshot below
Perhaps the Incomedia staff can say more about this when they are online during office hours in Italy.
Thanks mate, the desktop version is OK, I could have kept it, but the mobile version is not good and this is why I decided to revise it, however there is nothing to revise because there was no object to revise. I will wait to hear back from the incomedia team.
Hello Viktar,
I am sorry about the inconvenience.
Could you please regenerate the project files with a CTRL + Preview, waiting for the loading bar to be fully complete?
Please check whether the object appears in the header in the preview even after this.
Thank you.
Hi Eric, thanks. Could you please explain how to start the process? Thanks
Hello Viktar,
you must keep the CTRL button on youe keyboard pressed while you click on the Preview icon at the top right of the software's window.
Thanks, now I got it. Will try and report back soon. Regards
Thank you Eric, that worked. Regards, Vic