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Robert G.
Robert G.

Html Code And Emtpy Space  en

Автор: Robert G.
Просмотрено 1872, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 46  
Тэги: form,html

Hi, when I copy and paste a form from my mailchimp account it is working ok, I can see the form displayed but it leaves lots of empty space so there is always a big gap betweet the form and next content of my page. And it happens when I'm pasting other html codes too... I was trying to past the code into table but it just stretches the cell so much too. Am I doing it wrongly? Is there any way to eliminate that empty space? Please see what I'm  talking about on the home page of my website, scroll down to see the subscription form on the bottom and how much space it leaves before the footer.



3 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Robert G.
Robert G.

I forgot to post link to the home page, here it is

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Размещено От Robert G.
BmT 3000
BmT 3000

Is that form pasted in an HTML Object ? If so, you can set the height of such an object.  Open it and check the right bottom corner of the screen. You should be able to adjust the height according to your need. The default height is 350 px.


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Размещено От BmT 3000
Robert G.
Robert G.

Bernard, you made my day!!! I don't know how I could miss this... Thanks a lot.

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