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Mark Pollard
Mark Pollard

Shopping cart not working  en

Автор: Mark Pollard
Просмотрено 2778, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 26  
Тэги: cart,form,page,shopping

I have made a website and filled out all the requirements for the shopping cart. However, when I click on the add to cart button all I get is a blank page. I do not get any messages or page content. I have redone the website three times and still get the same problem.

9 Ответы
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


OK guys just fixed this for another X5er over the weekend might work for you too.... Install the latest version of Internet Explorer on your machine!

If you already have IE 9 and it's still blank, RESET your browser by:

Tools/Internet Options/Advanced/Reset button at the bottom.....

Close browser then Preview in X5!!!



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Размещено От Cheeky Man
Mark Pollard
Mark Pollard

Thanks Cheeky Man. Tried that but still have no shopping cart. Very frustrating as I have brought the software and it will not work properly.

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Размещено От Mark Pollard
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


I'll do a remote if you like.... Read guestbook below before contacting!!



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Размещено От Cheeky Man
Riccardo P.

Hi Mark,

try to visualize the site with another browser and send us the URL od your site, please.

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Размещено От Riccardo P.
Mark Pollard
Mark Pollard


Have tried that. The existing website that is on the server - made with Website 8, works fine inall browsers. What happens when previewing the new website, or the old one, in Website 9, is that the shopping cart does not display after clicking the add to cart link. I have attached a screen shot of the page in question.

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Размещено От Mark Pollard
Riccardo P.

Hi Mark,

sorry but there isn't the attachment.

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Размещено От Riccardo P.
Roman L.
Roman L.

I have gone shopping on the site! What do I do? A client in a rage.I have gone shopping on the site! What do I do? A client in a rage.I have gone shopping on the site! What do I do? A client in a rage.I have gone shopping on the site! What do I do? A client in a rage.I have gone shopping on the site! What do I do? A client in a rage.

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Размещено От Roman L.
Riccardo P.

Hi Mark,

can you send me the URL of the site please?

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Размещено От Riccardo P.
Der Zwoemti
Der Zwoemti

Es ist ein Bug vorhanden! Wieder einmal im neuen Update und dem Shopsystem.

Also der Fehler ist in der vorschau reproduzierbar!

Man legt einen Artikel in den Warenkorb und ändert dann dort die Anzahl. Schon ist der Warenkorb verschwunden. 

Ich habe das gestern schon gemeldet. 

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Размещено От Der Zwoemti