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LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

SEO and Welcome page not compatible  en

Автор: LogoLogics A.
Просмотрено 2221, Подписчики 3, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: page,welcome

When I use the welcome page, this first page does not contain the Google Analytics code although I inserted it in the editor ( code Webmasters ).

Using the welcome page, the code is on the first page and all the others, but not the index page?

Verifying a site in Google webmastertools with the Google analytics methode, can not be done when using a welcome page. It says it can not find the google analytics code on the index page. I had to work around it, by manually insert a meta tag in the index page.

Can this be fixed?

4 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Yes please. This is an issue for me also.

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Размещено От Henrik Hansen
Claudio N.


I see that. You can get around this problem by pasting the code in the "Custom code" at step 1 -> expert tab.

There's no difference actually. We'll fix this in a future release.

Thank you!

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Размещено От Claudio N.
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

Hello Claudio,

Thx for your help and nice it will be fixed in the future.

By custom code you mean this ( see screenshot enclosed ) ?

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Размещено От LogoLogics A.
Claudio N.

Yes. There you can paste your metatags/validation code.

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Размещено От Claudio N.