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Peter S.
Peter S.

Copying web site to a 2nd computer  en

Автор: Peter S.
Просмотрено 1489, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: copy,files,images

I have Website X5 installed on my PC and have now also installed it on my notebook.  I have copied my web site from the PC onto a memory stick using 'optimise and batch to folder' and everything looks fine when I then test it on the PC.  But when I put the memory stick into the notebook and run the website, all the images have disappeared.  I get messages on each one along the lines of: 'F:\ObjText\DCSF 1560.JPG Error File Open Error'.  Can you help?  Thanks

6 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Peter S.
Peter S.

Thanks for the link, Jiper.  The advice is to save the project using the 'batch files' command, but this is what I have done.  I've obviously done it right because the web site works fine when run off the saved file on the usb on the original PC.  But stick the usb into the 2nd PC, and the pictures disappear.  So I'm still stuck.  Any further thoughts much appreciated.

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Размещено От Peter S.
JiPeR 48
JiPeR 48

Re... You must keep the same path for your two projects (read again the post 27107, it's written : " Please be aware the path in which you save the project in PC 1 needs to be the same at PC 2. ")

I don't know how to explain you with more details..., (english is not my native langage Laughing and I do just what I can...Wink) but if the 1st project is on your computer as (example) :


it must be the same on the second PC. You have to install your folders and files in the same place ... i.e. :  C:\Mywork (example).

Cheer Up, ...J.P.

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Размещено От JiPeR 48
Peter S.
Peter S.

Thanks Jiper.  The trouble is, PC1 appears to be formatted very differently from PC2 which makes it impossible to specify identical path names.  Even the removable disk drives are labelled differently (E on one, F on the other) so I can't even save the project onto usb and run it from there.  PC1 is running Windows Vista on an ACER computer; PC2 is running Windows XP on an Eee PC.  Each seems to create its own paths by default, and neither allows a simple C:\name type of file to be created or saved.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.

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Размещено От Peter S.
JiPeR 48
JiPeR 48

Sorry Peter I'm too late to answer...Embarassed. I don't know the solution in this case ? I point your problem to the support. Expect the answer...


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Размещено От JiPeR 48
Riccardo P.

Hi Peter,

Ouradvice is toalwayssave the projectin c:\ andnot onexternalhardisk,you should go backonPC1 andsave the projectandimagesin c:\thencopy the projectin2pcalways in c:\ andalso copy theimagesin the same path.

Then import the progect in WebsiteX5.

I remember you that it possible change the letter of the partition in the System Propeties.

Try to look a guida on internet and change the letter.

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Размещено От Riccardo P.