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Si Robinson
Si Robinson

Beta Version  en

Автор: Si Robinson
Просмотрено 2642, Подписчики 3, Размещенный 36  

We all know you released it too early, we all know its full of bugs and we all know you are still selling it as a finished product.

ITS NOT A FINISHED PRODUCT, why does it not have the word "Beta" on the end of it as thats all it is.

We all know you are using everybody who PAID for it as Beta testers.

You have offered a BETA update, thats not good enough, it should be a fully tested update and you even admit that you are not sure that the update will work.

" would like to let you know that we just released a BETA update for WebSite X5. All you have to do is go to and enter your Licence Key. After that, when you will launch WebSite X5 you will be notified that a new BETA update is present, so you can download it.

I remind you to test this update in a second PC and, especially test it on a backup copy of your document. The projects saved with this version ( could not be opened with the actual version (

Please read all the info present at


Posted by Steve R."

WHY SHOULD WE DO YOUR JOB FOR YOU ????????????????????


When are you going to stop treating your customers like idiots and actually give us all what we paid for ??????????????????????????

How long do you expect to keep your customers if you dont ???????????????????????


11 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Si Robinson
Si Robinson

i'd love to know the answer to this

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Размещено От Si Robinson
Si Robinson
Si Robinson

i'd love to know the answer to this

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Размещено От Si Robinson
M. H.
M. H.

Windows Vista and XP had also lots of bugs when it was released ;) And MS fixed these after people had bought the product.

There is bug(s) in every software, it's just matter of time when we notices it and someone fixes it Smile 

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Размещено От M. H.
Si Robinson
Si Robinson

maybe so but Microsoft run a beta of the product for a lot longer than ICM did and even when problems were reported during beta they still didnt fix them.

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Размещено От Si Robinson
Si Robinson
Si Robinson

and also remember that ICM urged people to stop using V8 and move to V9 to build site as V9 is Html5 but a lot of people have gone back to V8.

i understand that there can be some bugs in new software but not that many that it makes it almost unusable.

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Размещено От Si Robinson
M. K.
M. K.

I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Si; the things that make version 9 interesting don't work properly, so right now there is no use in buying this product.

But let's hope there will be an final update very quickly, so we can forget about this, I love this editor, but it has to work as it's supposed.

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Размещено От M. K.
BmT 3000
BmT 3000

I was not sure if I had to add my two cents in this matter, but there are some things that should be said and some facts that should be straightened up. So I'll give an answer as a V8 and V9 end user and as a tester of v9. I'm in no way associated with Incomedia. May taht be clear.

First, this: We all know you released it too early, we all know its full of bugs and we all know you are still selling it as a finished product.

That's your point of view. Here are some facts:

With many others, I was part of the V9 beta tests since the very beginning, last APRIL. The very first testers were moderators (most of them you know) on the old forum and/or expert users of V8. We were asked to benevolently test V9 features, from A to Z, and to report every bug or malfunction that we could find.

To do our tests, we had to download the beta version, install it, activate it, and build a new website from scratch every time. We tested each and every function of the software and reported everything that was not working like it should.

The bugs we found were adressed by Incomedia's staff and they released new beta versions after new beta versions, that again, we tested. If I remember, there were something like a dozen releases or so. Each of those release was again fully tested, from scrath, also.

Then, Incomedia went into another phase of tests, where hundred of beta testers were added to the team and helped identify bugs and malfunctions and report them so they could be fixed.

In the background, Incomedia's technician were also testing everything on their side.

Those tests lasted from April until the Release Candidate was released, in early September.

So when you say that V9 is  NOT A FINISHED PRODUCT, why does it not have the word "Beta" on the end of it as thats all it is, I cannot disagree more with you, because your argument implies that we,  the testers,  did a lousy job, and that is slightly insulting, considering the amount of care and work we put in this process.

Of course, there are surely things that we could have overlooked or miss, like it happens with every software beta testing. Nobody's perfect. But whenV9 RC was released,  it had been tested for a long period of time.

True, there are still some features that are not working as they should. No software is ever perfect upon the first release. Incomedia is working on it and that is why a patch or update has been issued (the update you refer to, in the present post).

Now, people have to make a difference between a bug ( a feature that is not working as it should) and a change in the way a feature was working in the previous version. Even is sometime people dont like those, they are not bugs. And f something has not  been included in the release candidate, it's not a bug either. Well it could be if it's an omission and it can be fix later. Or maybe there might have been a very good reason why such a feature was not included in V9.

And i is not a bug if a feature that was working some way in v8 is now working differently in v9. It's most of the time a choice that was made, with good reasons justifying it.

As you may have noted it, V9 is quite a different software than V8. There are so many changes in it that one has to be patient and read the manual and experiment with it. V9 does not work as V8 worked, that's all. Have you read the manual ?

And you should know that during the tests, we, the testers, often asked Incomedia staff to add features that were not part of the software and that we considered could be useful or be a good improvement.

Some of them were gladly added, when Incomedia could do it. Some of them were put on a waiting list and we were told that they could maybe be introduced in future versions of WX5 and some were not added because it was not possible to do so or they were not compatible with the software coding. In other words, while beta testing, we had the possibility to influence the way V9 would be.

Now, Incomedia as released a first update and they asked  end users if they want to test it, before publicly releasing it. And you say they ask us to do their job ? I cannot agree with that also. If some end users, experts or not, take some time on their own to help in the process with real sites, why should it be wrong ? It will give us the chance to check if the reported bugs have been correctly fixed, form the end user point of view, not from the conceptor's point of view. Why is this such a bad thing ? Why is this a shameful demand ?

Nowhere in this process, I see where Incomedia is taking us for idiots. 

Nobody is forced to do that Beta testing, as no one was forced to buy V9.

You want to be part of it, do it. You dont ? Move over. 

So you are not satisfied with the product. And you think it's not worth the price you paid for it. And you think that Incomedia cannot improve it or make it run properly ?That's your opinion, and you have the right to express it.That does not, however, give you the right to insult anyone directly or my implying things that are incorrect.

You've got a solemn right: ask for  a refund and move to something else.

You dont like Answers ?  may people dont like it, too, and are asking for changes to improve it and make it more user friendly. And I'm one of them.

But then, you still have the choice to be positive and suggest improvement that will help every one. Or you can do the easy way and keep complaining. You could also stop using it.

You could stop polluting this knowledge base.




PS: maybe you were joking all the time and you were only trying to shake things up. Well, maybe I am, too.

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Размещено От BmT 3000
Si Robinson
Si Robinson

i'm in no way saying that the beta testers did a lousy job at all , i know for a fact that quite a few problems were found and ICM were informed of them and they were just ignored.

You also have to remember that the majority of posts on this "Answers" forum are complaints about things not working as they should.

And if i want to complain about the software then i will do but i dont expect them all the be made private by ICM staff because they seem to think a complaint is ABUSIVE, just ask how many people have had their posts hidden or made private because ICM didnt want people to see it.

It all comes down to the fact that ICM should have waited longer before releasing this software simple as that and a lot of the EXPERTS even think that too.

As for polluting the knowledge base, i will continue to pollute it with my opinion but as Steve R has waged his vendetta against me i doubt my comments or opinions will be seen for long.

And as for me joking, no i wasnt.

Lastly, i dont want a refund, i want working software, ICM keep urging us not to use V8 and to use V9 in which case it should work properly.

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Размещено От Si Robinson

The moral of this story is?

I agree with the moderator but sympathise with you si. I wrote a comment on another post but do point out that I read the documentation prior to paying and understood that not all compatibility was there. So the V9 is not faulty as I put in another comment regarding problems and how I handled them sorted out 99.9% of any problems.

Have you opened every page created and looked at each cell element - just not in preview side window or preview browser. Open each cell - you will be surprised what you will find. My understanding that V9 did it's best to import from V8 but it did not like what I did in editing certain cells i.e. cut and paste images out of one cell into another. Since I have opened each and every cell and sorted each problem. The software works like a dream - it no longer struggles and falters. Consider this a free tip.

Just as a last thought ... maybe you have a busy scgedule and have not devoted huge amounts of time to get the solutions just sufficient time to make a conclusion based on the enormity of what you have found but not explored. This is the paradigm unfortunately see I have said that without being rude or making a personal attack. The idea about this forum is that we assist in finding solutions and not become part of the problem ...problems can always be sorted.

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Размещено От FLAGSA ™
Nigel W.
Nigel W.

Look at my numerous posts!

NOBODY tested a big site; NOBODY spotted the utter malfunctioning of the "saving" process of a big site editing process!

I have had an horrible three weeks, so PLEASE don't come up with "every aspect" tested.

THIS ONE, the main one to any large sited user escaped ALL you beta testers.

FORTUNATELY, I lent my 360 page site to Steve (Incomedia) and I THINK we have some last!

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Размещено От Nigel W.

If the Beta testers did test every aspect then it would be appreciated a list of the bugs found. I am finding many bugs even though they are minor, at least I post them here for all to see. In addition some HTML5 oddities with Vista/IE 9 and sound not playing. If you have any answers dont be shy

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Размещено От FLAGSA ™