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Amorn N.
Amorn N.

Error 150  en

Автор: Amorn N.
Просмотрено 2093, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: error


 I had problem concerning this error 150. I found 1 post about the topic in Spanish. Could you explain in English please.

Thanks, Amorn

3 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Michele C.

Hello Amorn,

may I kindly ask you to provide me with more details about this error? Where does it rise? Maybe you could attach a screenshot in your next comment?

keep me updated, thank you

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Размещено От Michele C.
Amorn N.
Amorn N.

Dear Michele

Thanks for your prompt response. Here is the detail:

I tried to embed a YouTube video file on to the new page of my website, but the website would not accept it. I tried to change dimension WxH , remove and redo several times. Nothing worked. This problem just happened a day or two ago while formerly I could do it without any problem.

I have attached a screeshot for you herewith.



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Размещено От Amorn N.
Michele C.

Hello Amorn,

Did you try with another video? It seems the problem is related with that specific video which is not embeddable, probably the author of the video changed some settings related to the embedding.

Hope this helps 

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Размещено От Michele C.