Original html code required 
Автор: Chris C.
Просмотрено 1161,
Подписчики 1,
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How can I get orginal html code... Been trying to get a widget onto my web site http://wwwhonitonweather.co.uk thinking it was the widget causing the problem after sorting out a mass of things with the widget support team they have come to the conclusion that its my/our html code that seems to be wrong...
The last reply was this one..Hi Chris, I'm afraid that the crazy changes of the original html code are the result of your editor "WebsiteX5".
Perhaps you should ask their support how it is possible to add a clean html code...
So any suggestions please would be appreciated, view my previous post for the crazy html...
change in step 1
<LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="http://www.honitonweather.co.uk/honiton.ico">
<TITLE>Home Page</TITLE>
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://www.honitonweather.co.uk/honiton.ico">
The Google verification shall either be the meta statement - but this completely - or the uploaded HTML file
Hello again to Der Zwoemti,
Managed to get the widget onto web site but shows wrong town check out the source @ http;//www.honitonweather.co.uk under 'Honiton Weather' plenty of rubbish again.
Done as you instructed me last time to remove & replace a code that was fine but now this problem. Refer to last post if not sure. 4 emails so far saying 'why you now Skipton') confused...? take a look....
Who's problem is it now
Hello Chris,
Please try to use the HTML&Widget Object in step 3 to add custom code and then test it.
Please let me know if it works.