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Jan Van Den Berg
Jan Van Den Berg

How to find templates used  nl

Автор: Jan Van Den Berg
Просмотрено 1410, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: changes,template

How to find quick the template to made changes?

I have started a new project and choose a nice template. To change some of the pictures used in templates example: bg.jpg , iI have to find this file in the map of Webx5, but all the names of templates are have names like "imybcoa54z58vep7k8w12cg54u66elok 45m6" .

Is ther a quick way to find the used template in these maps?

Thx in advance Jan - Holland

2 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно

Show the XML-files in the same Directory for real Name to crypto-Name

but you can make a duplicate and Export the Templates for individual template.


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Размещено От JJ. JUAG
Claudio D.

Hello Jan,

In version 10 it is not necessary to find the template in the installation folder to edit it but you can simply select the template and then click on duplicate. In this way it will make a copy of the preset template which can be edited in the template editor and you can change the images or if you rightclick on the link you can save the image file used and edit it and then you add the new image file in the template. In this way you will always have the preset template in the original form and you can make custom templates with them.

Please feel free to write back if you need more information.

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Размещено От Claudio D.