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A. Remus
A. Remus

Buttons undone  en

Автор: A. Remus
Просмотрено 1087, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: 10,evolution,website,x5

I accidentaly selected a button picture png for my buttons in step 4 / drop down menu / menu items / background image (for button only) and now i notice that thing it can't undone ... i really do not want to start at the begining ... did someone know how to undone this ? Also i notice that the same thing is happen if i choose a background for a page. This too can't be undone untill i delete the page and recreate ... Kind regards Remus A

2 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello A. Remus,

If you right-click on the 'Background Image' field then you will be able to select the option 'Remove' from the pop-up menu which appears...  this will delete the background image and reset your menu button to the default of 'no image'

You can follow a similar procedure to remove unwnated background images from your pages too.

Kind regards,


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Размещено От Paul M.
A. Remus
A. Remus

Sir you save my life. I try all that i could think of ... but right click ... (shame on me !!!)

Many many many thanks !!!

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