Czech text - encoding problem 
Автор: Mikhail V.
Просмотрено 1187,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
Good day, When creating a site in the Czech language can not get the desired text encoding. As a result, the text on the site after its transfer to the hosting appear very "crooked." Part of Czech letters looks like an abstraction. Your program support UTF-8, and I need a code "charset = windows-1250". How can your program, if you create pages, change the encoding?
Hello Mikhail,
the program automatically set the Charset UTF-8, if you need change this, you can export on the disk and modify the charset in the HTMl code.
Then you contact your server and ask if the charset = windows-125 is supported.
Hope this help.
***** Google Translation:
el programaajusta automáticamenteeljuego de caracteresUTF-8,si necesitacambiar esto,puede exportaren el discoy modificarel juego de caracteresen el códigoHTML.
A continuación,se comunique con suservidor ypreguntar sielcharset =windows-125es compatible.
Espero que estoayude.