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Paul Rees
Paul Rees

Evolution 9 Questions  en

Автор: Paul Rees
Просмотрено 1962, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 20  
Тэги: save

No "Save as" option Having now installed Evolution 9 version, I am mystified why you have removed the ability to save a project under a different filename. As I update our Club's website each month, under Evolution 8, I used to save it with a different filename than the previous month. Now it seemed I do not have that option. I have to save the updated website with the same filename or create a new project and start building the website again each month. Why is there no "Save as" function? Evolution 9 also takes quite sometime to load and get to the 'start' menu after 'initialising etc'. This is not as good as Ev8. Also, when choosing to include a slideshow in Ev9, the Forward/Back and Play buttons are too small and poorly defined against the background colour.There does not appear to be any method of changing the size, shape or colour.I much prefer those in Ev8. Why did you change the way in which another row is added to a page. By putting it before line containing the selected object, means that we are always moving objects up onto the new line before adding objects onto the resulting blank line underneath? The new text editor is a vast improvement on the Ev8 one. You can now copy and paste formatted text layouts with confidence. I upgraded because of the poor text editor in Ev8 so I am pleased with the improvement but I am most disappointed that other good features on Ev8 have been changed as described above. Please let me know if you intend to rectify these. Regards Paul Rees

1 Ответы - 1 Корректно
BmT 3000
BmT 3000

In V9, the Save as option has been replaced by the Duplicate function, available in the Project selection window. When you use this function, V9 will make an exact copy of your project and you can name it as you need.

True that loading time is longer. You can make it a litlte bit shorter by telling the software not to look for updates, in the Preferences section.

True also that the way a new row is inserted is disturbing at first, but it's a question of getting used to it, I think. And I dont think they will change this and revert to the previous method.


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