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Jim R.
Jim R.

Upload to internet problem  en

Автор: Jim R.
Просмотрено 2175, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I'm running x5 v8. I've begun to get the following error message when uploading to the net: "Unable to view list of files present on the server" and "Operation Failed (error while enumerating the remote files)". My website looks fine in test view, but the live site contains a handful of pages which look badly corrupted, ie text and images are out of place. I've checked with my web host who says there's no server issues at their end. Any ideas, anyone?

8 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Larry J.
Larry J.

I'm recently having the same problem.

(My website does not seem to be corrupted though.)

Have you had any resolution yet?

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Размещено От Larry J.
Linda Soer
Linda Soer

i'm having the same troubles, and i am in need of a quick solution!!!  please!!!

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Размещено От Linda Soer
Jim R.
Jim R.

Haven't had any response yet... 

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Размещено От Jim R.
Claudio D.

Hello Jim,

Please try to activate or deactivate the passive FTP during the export and try also with another FTP client like Filezilla to see if with this one it's possible to connect and see the online files.

Please keep me updated.

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Larry J.
Larry J.


Following your advice I used active FTP and the problem went away. (See my intervening post on this topic).

But it would help if you could explain why after using passive FTP for over 4 years it suddenly stopped working - there have been no other changes.


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Размещено От Larry J.
Claudio D.

Hello Larry,

The option passive or active FTP depends on the hosting server settings and it could be they changed the support to active only and this could explain why it stopped working.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
B. Viliam
B. Viliam

I have the same problem. Unfortunately did not help use active FTP. Even he does in the new project where there is only one web page. What should I do? All my e shop is offline!

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Размещено От B. Viliam