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E. Francis
E. Francis

How Do I Fix The Date Of An Approved Comment?  en

Автор: E. Francis
Просмотрено 1062, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 20  
Тэги: date,displaying,wrong

Hi, i'm trying to get the Guestbook setup on a website and everything seems to be working good except for the approval date of comments. How do I fix it?  Please see attached picture.

Thank you for your help.


3 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


It seems to be your server date?? Contact your hosting company to change it for you if you can't do it yourself from the Control Panel!!

If this is outa date by 42 years makes  me wonder if they actually update their servers at all?

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Размещено От Cheeky Man
E. Francis
E. Francis

I thought that may be what it is.  Ok I will contact them and see what's going on.

Thanks again.


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Размещено От E. Francis
E. Francis
E. Francis

Hi, I contacted the hosting provider regarding this issue and this is the response I received.

"The date being displayed is indicative of your program not grabbing a proper date string from wherever the date is stored.

 If you can give me more details on where the software came from, I will investigate further.  I'd want to confirm what version of PHP it's been written for; perhaps the site just needs to be moved to a server with a more recent version."

Could someone please shed some light on this?

Thank you.


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Размещено От E. Francis