Subdomain URL not working
Автор: Orla
Hi - yesterday I upgraded a subdomain website from v10 to Professional and uploaded to a godaddy server but the site is not visible on Chrome or IE unless I manually add /index.html at the end of the URL address (which of course is unacceptable) - otherwise it just says "pageok" on a blank screen. I don't know if this might be a godaddy issue as they recently changed the path setup for uploading (you used not to have to include the /public_html path name but you do now). With this website (which has worked fine for a number of years), both the upgrade to Professional AND the godaddy path change have impacted at the same time so I don't know what is causing the problem. I have other subdomains I want to upgrade to professional and upload but don't want to do this until I get this resolved. If this is not a WebsiteX5 issue can you let me know what to say to GoDaddy as I'm not remotely technical.
PS I've attached print screens that show results on both Chrome and IE with and without index added and also the upload path used which shows the proper subdomain path.
the link "" work fine by maxthon, firefox. chrom and ie10
the musik start fine by all browser,
have you a Problem with the cache of the browser (F5 or delete the cache for cleaning), or are the time to short for the subdomain for the nameserver?
Thank you JJ! I tried F5 on both and it now works!
I'm afraid clearing the browsing history didn't work for long and I'm still getting the "pageok" blank screen. I googled this problem and found the above thread so I've sent another query to godaddy about this and will update this post when I learn more.
Thanks again JJ!
try this one, if you type in your browser
see if it change the result
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Hello JJ/Anthony - I heard back from godaddy and the problem was that I had two IP addresses on the DNS records for each subdomain (one from the old way of uploading to godaddy and one from the new way). I had to delete the old DNS records as the browsers were randomly choosing which IP address to use and that's why "pageok" resulted whenever it chose the old IP addresses. This is all Greek to me as I'm not technical but once I followed their instructions and deleted the old IP Address records in the DNS settings everthing is fine again!
Note: I just tried both of those "test" URLs mentioned above and both resulted in 404 messages but my subdomain issue is now resolved.
Many thanks for your ideas,