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How to use the “Webfont Essentials” collection in websites created with WebSite X5  en

Autor: Incomedia
Besucht 7533, Followers 4, Geteilt 0  

Normally, when writing pages for our websites, we tend to limit our choice of fonts to the most common- Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana, Georgia and maybe a couple of others – because these are practically universal and, as theyare set on all PCs, they will be displayed correctly on all visitors' computers.

Fortunately, with the Web in continuous evolution, it's now possible to choose from lots of different fonts and ensure that visitors will still be able to display our pages even if they don't have the fonts we use physically installed on their computers.

So, let's see how we can add the fonts from the SoftMaker's Webfont Essential collection into the  text you have added  to your projects created using WebSite X5 (version 11-12).

The “Webfont Essentials” collection

First of all, download the ZIP file from the link you have received and extract the files.the files included in the collection are organised in following folders:

  • The Webfonts folder contains fonts that can be used on the Internet and an example page which shows how they appear. They're all available in 3 different formats (EOT, WOFF, and TTF) to ensure compatibility with all the main browsers.
  • The Desktopfonts folder contains the TrueType fonts that you can install on your PC but NOT distribute on the Internet. These fonts are to be used exclusively offline, for creating documents and images.

How to install the Webfont Essentials collection on your computer

You can use the 200 fonts in the collection to write text or create images, but first you need to install the TrueType version of these fonts on the PC you'll be working on.

To install the TrueType fonts on your PC, you must:

  • Open the Desktopfonts folder and select all the fonts you want to install.
  • Click on the righthand mouse button and select Install from the menu that opens.

Using the webfonts in WebSite X5

Once you have installed a new font to use it on your computer or on the Internet, you'll find it's very easy to use it in WebSite X5:

  • Open the Preferences | Web Font window and click on the Add button.
  • In the Add web fonts that opens, select Web Font and import the TTF File for offline display.
  • Although it is not obligatory, the font will be supported better on the various browsers if you also import the WOFF and EOT files, if they're available, for the new font you want to use.
  • Click on OK to confirm: you'll go back to the Preferences | Web Font window where you will see the new font displayed in the list of available fonts.

After you have added a new web font, it will appear automatically in all the menus that allow you to select a font for a text. Web fonts can be easily recognized in the menus because they have the  icon next to them.


Webfont Essentials is produced by SoftMaker ( ) and can be used independently of WebSite X5.
For more information regarding Webfont Essentials, on the user licence and on how to use it with  software other than WebSite X5, refer to the official user manual that is available in English and German. The PDF files of this manual can be found in the collection's install folder.

For technical assistance on the Webfont Essentials collection, contact SoftMaker at the following email address: ***

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